Our research findings are shared with the academic community and beyond through a range of publications, including academic papers, reports, and articles. Explore our publications to learn more about our lab work:
- Viera SB, Vivekanandan N, Cheney M, Le, D., Lora KR. Hispanic caregivers’ preferences for content, delivery methods, and sources of nutrition education from their child’s preschool: Qualitative research findings. Nutr Health. 2023 Jan 13:2601060221146321. DOI:10.1177/02601060221146321.
- Clausen, M.E.,* Romm, K.F.,* Berg, C.J., Ciceron, A.C.,* Fuss, C.,* Bennett, B.,* & Le, D. (2022). Exploring young adults’ e-cigarette use behavior during COVID-19. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 8(Dec), 45. DOI: 10.18332/tpc/155332
- Wallington, S.F., Jeon, M.J., Nguyen, T.A., Byambaa, C., Yang, Y.T.,& Le, D. (2022). Perceptions and patient care needs among hepatitis B patients during COVID-19. BMC Health Services Research, 22. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08153-5.
- Le, D., Jeon, M.J., Ciceron, A.C., Yang, Y.T., Pan, J., Juon, H.S., &Wallington, S.F. (2022). Process evaluation of an academic-community-government partnership to reduce liver diseases attributable to hepatitis B virus. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 707. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-08062-7. PMID: 35619128. PMCID: PMC9135310.
- Ciceron, A.C., Jeon, M.J., Monroe, A.K., Clausen, M.E., Magnus, M., & Le, D. (2022). HPV knowledge, screening barriers and facilitators, and sources of health information among women living with HIV: Perspectives from the DC community. BMC Women’s Health, 22, 110. DOI: 10.1186/s12905-022-01689-y. PMID: 35397535. PMCID: PMC8994173.
- Le, D., Ozbeki, H., Salazar, S., Berl, M., Turner, M.M., & Price, O.A. (2022). Improving African American women’s engagement in clinical research: A systematic review of barriers to clinical trials. Journal of the National Medical Association, 114(3), 324-339. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnma.2022.02.004. PMID: 35279325. PMCID: PMC1782415.
- Hong, A.Y., Yee, S., Bagchi, P., Juon, H.S., Kim, S., & Le, D.(2022). Social media-based intervention to promote HBV screening and liver cancer prevention among Korean Americans: Results of a pilot study. Digital Health, 8(Jan-Dec), 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/20552076221076257. PMID: 35140979. PMCID: PMC8819816.
- Le, D., Ciceron, A.C., Jeon, M.J., Gonzalez, L.I., Jordan, J.A., Bordon, J., & Long, B. (2022). Cervical cancer prevention and high-risk HPV self-sampling awareness and acceptability among women living with HIV: A qualitative investigation from the patients’ and providers’ perspectives. Current Oncology, 29(2), 516-533. DOI: 10.3390/curroncol29020047. PMID: 352005547. PMCID: PMC8870184.
- Le, D., Ciceron, A.C., Pan, J., Juon, H.S., Berg, C.J., Nguyen, A., Le, H.C., &Yang, Y.T. (2022). Linkage-to-care following community-based HBV and HCV screening among immigrants from the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area, 2016-2019. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01327-7. PMID: 35064900. PMCID: PMC8783186.
- Wysota, C.N., Le, D., Clausen, M.E.,* Ciceron, A.C.,* Fuss, C.,* Bennett, B.,* Romm, K.F.,* Duan, Z.,* & Berg, C.J. (2022). Young adults’ knowledge, perceptions, and use of cannabidiol (CBD) products: A mixed-methods study. Health Education Research, online first. DOI: 10.1093/her/cyac030
- Duan, Z., Le, D.,Ciceron, A.C., Dickey-Chasins, R., Wysota, C.N., Bar-Zeev, Y., Levine, H., Abroms, L.C., Romm, K.F., & Berg, C.J. (2022). “It’s like if a vape pen and a cigarette had a baby”: A mixed methods study of perceptions and use of IQOS among US young adults. Health Education Research, epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1093/her/cyac019. PMID: 36036655
- Krishnan, N., Abroms, L.C., Robien, K., Le, D., Yang, Y.T., & Aduli, F. (2021). Characteristics of incident liver cancer cases in the District of Columbia metropolitan area. Cancer Health Disparities (online first). DOI: 10.9777/chd.2021.1005.
- Le, D., D’Souza, G., Atnafou, R., & Moran, M.B. (2021). Perceived barriers to and recommendations for cessation among poly tobacco-using young adults. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 8(6), 488-502. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.8.6.1.
- Le, D., Hong, A.Y., Hui, S.K., Rimal, R.N, & Juon, H.S. (2021). Assessment of hepatitis B virus screening behaviors among Asian-Americans through the lens of social cognitive theory. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 19(1), 76-83. DOI: 10.32398/cjhp.v19i1.2652. PMID: 34566536. PMCID: PMC8462827.
- Chen-Sankey, J.C., Mead-Morse, E.L., Le, D., Rose, S.W., Quisenberry, A.J, Delnevo, C.D., & Choi, K. (2021).Cigar smoking patterns by race/ethnicity and cigar type: A nationally representative survey among U.S. adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 60(1), 87-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.07.005. PMID: 33341182. PMCID: PMC7755027.
- Windon, M.J., Le, D., D’Souza, G., Bigelow, E., Pitman, K., Boss, E., Eisele, D.W., & Fakhry, C. (2021). Treatment decision-making among patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer: A qualitative study. Oral Oncology, 112, 105044.DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2020.105044. PMID: 33130545. PMCID: PMC8556673.
- Berg, C.J., Duan, X., Romm, K.F., Pulvers, K., Le, D., Ma, Y., Krishnan, N., Abroms, L.C., Getachew, B., & Henriksen, L. (2021). Young adults’ vaping, readiness to quit, and recent quit attempts: The role of co-use with cigarettes and marijuana. Nicotine Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 23(6), 1019-1029. DOI: 10.1093/NTR/ntaa265. PMID: 33331889. PMCID: PMC8628650.
- Le, D., Moran, M.B., Atnafou, R., Matson, P.A., Jones, M.R., & D’Souza, G. (2019). E-cigarette use, tobacco product polyuse, and motivations for use among Baltimore young adults. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 6(5), 427-437. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.6.5.2. PMID: 32490030. PMCID: PMC7266135.
- Le, D. & Holt, C.L. (2018). CervixCheck: A spiritually-based text messaging intervention to promote cervical cancer awareness and Pap test screening intention among African American women. Journal of Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2018.1528317. PMID: 30300091.
- Le, D., Aldoory, L., Garza, M.A., Fryer, C.S., Sawyer, R., & Holt, C.L. (2018). A spiritually-based SMS text messaging program to increase cervical cancer awareness among African American women: Design and development of the CervixCheck pilot study. JMIR Formative Research, 2(1), e5. DOI: 10.2196/formative.8112.
- Holt, C.L., Le, D., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Saunders, D.R., Williams, R., Atkinson, N.L., & Naslund, M. (2017). Can women facilitate men’s prostate informed decision-making? The M-PACT trial. Journal of Health Communication, 22(12), 964-973. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2017.1382616. PMID: 29173037.
- Park, C.L., Holt, C.L., Le, D., Christie, J., & Williams, B.R. (2017). Positive and negative religious coping styles as prospective predictors of well-being in African Americans. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 10(1), 55-62. DOI: 10.1037/rel0000124.
- Jung, M.Y., Holt, C.L., Ng, D., Sim, H.J., Lu, X.X., Le, D., Juon, H.S., Li, J., & Lee, S. (2017). The Chinese and Korean American immigrant experience: A mixed-methods examination of facilitators and barriers of colorectal cancer screening. Ethnicity and Health, 25, 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2017.1296559. PMID: 28277021.
- Lu, X.X., Holt, C.L., Chen, J.C., Le, D., Chen, J.J., Kim, G.Y., Li, J., & Lee, S. (2016). Is colorectal cancer a Western disease? Role of knowledge and influence of misconception on colorectal cancer screening among Chinese and Korean Americans: A mixed methods study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(11), 4885-4892-192. DOI: 10.22034/APJCP.2016.17.11.4885. PMID: 28032491.
- Le, D., Holt, C.L., Hosack, D.P., Huang, J., & Clark, E.M. (2015). Religious participation is associated with increases in religious social support in a national longitudinal study of African Americans. Journal of Religion and Health, 55(4), 1449-1460. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-015-0143-1. PMID: 26493343.
- Williams, B.R., Holt, C.L., Le, D., & Schulz, E. (2015). Characterizing change in religious and spiritual identity among a national sample of African American adult. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 27(4), 343-357. DOI: 10.1080/15528030.2015.1073208. PMID: 27103881.
- Le, D., Holt, C.L., Saunders, D.R., Wang, M.Q., Coriolan, A.R., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., & Atkinson, N.L. (2015). Feasibility and acceptability of SMS text messaging in a prostate cancer educational intervention for African American men. Health Informatics Journal, 22(4), 932-947. DOI: 10.1177/1460458215598636. PMID: 26324051.
- Saunders, D.R., Holt, C.L., Le, D., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Savoy, A., Williams, R., Whitehead, T.L., Wang, M.Q., & Naslund, M. (2015). Recruitment and participation of African American men in church-based health promotion workshops. Journal of Community Health, 40(6), 1300-1310. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-015-0054-9. PMID: 26089253.
- Holt, C.L., Le, D., Calvinelli, J., Huang, J., Clark, E.M., Roth, D.L., Williams, B., & Schulz, E. (2015). Participant retention in a longitudinal national telephone survey of African American men and women. Ethnicity & Disease, 25(2), 187-192. PMID: 26118147.
- Holt, C.L., Le, D., Saunders, D.R., Wang, M.Q., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Williams, R., Atkinson, N.L., Whitehead, T.L., & Naslund, M. (2014). Informed decision-making and satisfaction with a church-based men’s health workshop series for African American men: Men-only vs. mixed-gender format. Journal of Cancer Education, 30(3), 530-534. DOI: 10.1007/s13187-014-0731-x. PMID: 25330866.
- Le, D., Holt, C.L., Pisu, M., Brown-Galvan, A., Fairley, T.L., Smith, J.L., White, A., Hall, I.J., Oster, R.A., & Martin, M.Y. (2014). The role of social support in post-treatment surveillance among African American colorectal cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 32(3), 245-263. DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2014.897293. PMID: 24611486.
- Zebrak, K., Le, D., Boekeloo, B., & Wang, M.Q. (2013). Predictors of intent to pursue a college health science education among high achieving minority 10th graders. Current Issues In Education, 16(2). PMID: 25598654. PMCID: PMC4296255
- Saunders, D.R., Holt, C.L., Whitehead, T.L., Atkinson, N.L., Le, D., Wang, M.Q., Slade, J.L., Muwwakkil, B., Williams, R., Schulz, E. & Naslund, M. (2013). Development of the Men’s Prostate Awareness Church Training: Church-based workshops for African American men. Family & Community Health, 36(3), 224-235. DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0b013e318292eb40. PMID: 23718958.
- Manglona, R.D., Robert, S., Isaacson, L.S.N., Garrido, M., Henrich, F.B., Santos, L.S., Le, D., & Peters, R. (2010). Promoting breast cancer screening through storytelling by Chamorro cancer survivors. California Journal of Health Promotion, 8 (Special Issue) (Cancer Control), 90–95. PMID: 29805328. PMCID: PMC5966276