The 13th Annual GW Ethics in Publishing Conference will be held over two days—one hybrid day, Thursday, October 12, and one virtual day, Friday, October 13. An in-person social hour will be held at the end of the first day. Presenters from Canada, Chile, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States will be presenting on topics including AI, DEIA, open access, workplace equity, multilingualism, digital publishing, open peer review, workflow, contracts, research integrity, library publishing, indigenous publishing, representation, and other topics on ethical issues in publishing.
Thursday, October 12, 2023 9:00 am-5:15 pm EST Hybrid Format—In-Person and Online Presenters and Attendees GW Arlington Education Center, room 102-104, Ballston 950 Glebe Road, Arlington, VA
5:30 pm EST In-person Social Hour to follow conference Location TBA
Friday, October 13, 2023 11:00 am to 4:00 pm EST Virtual: Online Presenters and Attendees
Registration is free of charge and open to all in the publishing, library, and scholarly communication community. Lunch will be provided to in-person attendees, and a social hour will follow the event.
Event Format: In-Person: Choose “In-Person Attendee” if you are able to travel to attend the conference at the GW Arlington Learning Center in Arlington, VA. Space is limited. (Note: In-person attendees will also receive links to the live stream and recordings.) Virtual: The conference will be live-streamed; sessions will be recorded subject to the individual preferences of speakers. Choose virtual attendees to register and receive a link to live-stream and recordings.
The conference is organized by Puja Telikicherla, Licensing and Subsidiary Rights Manager, American Psychiatric Association Publishing, and Adjunct Professor, George Washington University; and John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor, Master of Professional Studies in Publishing, George Washington University.
5/15/23 update: The submission deadline for proposals has been extended to June 30, 2023. Thanks to all who have already submitted a presentation proposal. We have some great ones and will be in touch soon!
The 13th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference will be held on Thursday, October 12, 2023, as a hybrid event, with in-person and virtual presentations and attendees, at the George Washington University’s Arlington Learning Center, in Arlington, VA (Washington, DC metro area).
Submit your presentation proposal by June 30, 2023 (extended from May 15). We welcome your proposals for presentations and will seek to accommodate as many presentations as possible. Please indicate on the form whether you are able to present in person or online.
We are soliciting conference presentations from (and for) publishing and library professionals, scholars, faculty, and students.
Potential topics include but are not limited to: • Salaries/compensation/openness • Sustainability of presses • Accessibility • Diversity & Inclusion • Inclusive practices in language editing and design • Community-centered peer review practices • Multilingualism • Demographics of university publishing—staff, authors, reviewers, & editorial boards • Author outreach and education • Free speech and censorship • New university presses & their relationship to established university presses • International partnerships between presses in developed & developing economies • Ethics in accounting for publishing costs • Ethical considerations of AI in publishing • Author integrity (plagiarism, et cetera)
Fall at GW
Alumni and current students in the GW Publishing program are invited to present their Ethics in Publishing Capstone projects.
Presentations will include invited speakers, multiple speaker panels, and short presentations. See presentations and slides from the 12th Ethics in Publishing Conference.
The 13th Ethics in Publishing Conference co-organizers are Puja Telikicherla, Licensing & Subsidiary Rights Manager, American Psychiatric Association Publishing, and Adjunct Professor, George Washington University; and John W. Warren, Director and Association Professor, Master of Professional Studies in Publishing, George Washington University.
The Association of University Presses (AUPresses), the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), and the Association of American Publishers (AAP) are sponsors of the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference.
Attendance (in person and virtual) to the conference will be free-of-charge.
We will endeavor to accommodate as many presentations as possible. Registration for the conference is free. Use this form to submit your proposal for presenting at the conference. A registration form for attendees will be available at a later date.
Tina Donnelly, MPS, is an Assistant Managing Editor at Penguin Random House, where she assists department heads with all aspects of audiobook production and record keeping, as well as supports the Managing Editorial team on audio and large print projects and metadata maintenance. She is a talented 2022 graduate of the MPS in Publishing program at George Washington University, and the program’s newest instructional assistant. In the latest in our series of alumni profiles, Tina shares her experiences in the GW Publishing program, her work on DEIA issues, and her work at PRH.
Tina Donnelly, MPS (2022)
Your current role is Assistant Managing Editor at Penguin Random House, where you work with audiobook and other products. Can you tell us about your work at PRH? What are some aspects you learned in the MPS in Publishing program have been helpful in your work?
As Assistant Managing Editor, I handle a variety of tasks within the audio department. While my main responsibility is maintaining the metadata of our thousands of audiobooks published each year, I also manage things such as web copy edits/updates, Canadian pricing conversions, and ONIX feeds, as well as proofing and reporting on titles in our Random House Large Print imprint, which is also handled by Audio. I enjoy my job immensely not only because I love books and audiobooks, but also because I get to work in so many different parts of the production and post-production process: all of which helps get our books into the hands of readers around the world.
Most everything I learned in the MPS in Publishing Program has been helpful in some way at improving my performance at Penguin Random House. One thing is simply a more thorough understanding of the publishing industry, and how a book goes from an author’s head to the hands of readers. A more solid knowledge of this process, not to mention the business behind it, went a long way in helping me understand just why we do the things we do at PRH. Additionally, the lessons on understanding brand image and audience interaction were essential at improving some of the more marketing-focused responsibilities at my job, such as celebrity narrator announcements and cover reveals.
…Getting to interact with the professors, all of whom are experts in their field and talented beyond measure… made understanding the real-world application of the material so much easier. Additionally, the professors’ stories and examples of working in publishing helped me to prepare for navigating the field.
What was the most challenging aspect of the MPS in Publishing program? What was the most rewarding?
The most challenging aspect of the publishing program was learning about areas of the industry that were not initially as interesting to me. As a reader and a lover of books, I was much more interested in the courses that focused on acquisition, copyright law, editing, and audience interaction. The more technical courses, ones that focused on coding, software, and technologies, were a bit more difficult for me. Thankfully, I had some truly gifted teachers that helped me along in areas that I struggled with, so it was more challenging than undoable, and I got exposure to a side of publishing that I otherwise would not have experienced.
The most rewarding part of the program was getting to interact with the professors, all of whom are experts in their field and talented beyond measure. The ability to learn lessons through the professors’ experiences in the field made understanding the real-world application of the material so much easier. Additionally, the professors’ stories and examples of working in publishing helped me to prepare for navigating the field.
What are some of the reasons you decided to pursue the MPS in Publishing degree? Why did you choose GW specifically?
I wanted to pursue a degree in publishing not only as an advantageous career move, but also because I have a genuine passion and interest in the field. As an avid reader, I have always wanted to work in publishing, and so I pursued a degree in the field. I firmly believe a degree in publishing will go a long way in securing one a position for an already highly sought-after job, not to mention that it will help tremendously with upward movement within the industry.
I chose George Washington University’s publishing program for several reasons, namely that their program simply looked the best. The curriculum was stacked with relevant and interesting-sounding courses, the instructors were all industry professionals, and best of all, the program was designed for “working adults,” which is what I was when applying. Plus, the program is at the George Washington University, a prestigious institution, and an affordable one at that.
Lastly, the staff and faculty while I was inquiring about the program were beyond helpful and informative; they were so patient and thoughtful in answering my many questions, phone calls, and emails. It was a level of care I had not received at other graduate programs, and it was something that really drew me to GW.
A highlight for us last year was having you present at our 12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference—where you moderated the plenary with Kimberly Ayers Shariff, Executive Vice President, Strategy for Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Penguin Random House, and also presented your own capstone Ethics in Publishing project in a separate session! Can you tell us about the genesis and trajectory of your project, why you presented at the conference, and about your conference experience?
I took Randy Townsend’s Ethics in Publishing course in the Fall of my second year in the program. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did; I thought it was an important and relevant class to take, but I didn’t realize how much I would gain or learn from it. I was really intrigued and impressed. One thing that stuck out to me was just how little diversity there was in publishing. I had a basic understanding that it was not as diverse as it could be, but I was a little surprised to find out just how overwhelmingly uniform the industry was. This homogeneity is reflected in both the publishing workforce and product output. This bothered me because as a big reader, I have always been able to see myself reflected in various stories, circumstances, and characters, and it saddened me that this was not the case for all readers. Or rather, that their portrayals in literature seemed limited, while mine seemed endless.
Tina Donnelly (l) and Kim Ayers Shariff (r, on screen) at the 12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference
I was so drawn to this issue that I wanted to make it my capstone project for the course. Thus, I set out to make a case for why and how the industry can be more diverse, as well as a snapshot at its current demographics. The latter was the easy part; my own company, PRH, had just released their yearly diversity and inclusion report, and statistics for other companies were not difficult to find since this is an oft-discussed topic. The hard part came when I had to formulate my own ideas and suggestions for how to rectify the problem and move forward to a more diverse and representative publishing landscape. This is where Kim Shariff came in. Kim is the Executive Vice President, Strategy for Diversity Equity & Inclusion at PRH, and I had several conversations with her over what should be done, what is being done, and what further we can do to address this problem. Kim Shariff is an outstanding and insightful intellectual, as well as an experienced Diversity and Inclusion Officer, and she was able to give me some helpful ideas, tools, and attitudes towards tackling this issue. It is because of her guidance and advice that the presentation turned out so well, and I was proud to have her consult on it.
I wanted to present my findings at the Ethics in Publishing Conference namely because I am very passionate about this subject; it is close to my heart as a lifelong booklover who wants everyone to be able to indulge in the joys of reading. Additionally, Randy Townsend and John Warren both gave me some solid feedback on my initial capstone project, and I wanted to incorporate their suggestions to make it even stronger and more informative—more of a call-to-action, instead of mainly a passion project. I am happy to report that not only did I have the privilege of presenting my findings at the conference, but I also had the pleasure to moderate the plenary session with Kim Shariff, as well as get to see some other incredibly interesting and thought-provoking presentations from other GW alumni.
Equity in Action: From Corporate Initiatives to Team Practices (Plenary session of 12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference)
What advice would you give to new or prospective students to the MPS in Publishing program?
The most important advice, in my opinion, is to study as broadly as you can and take classes outside of your normal interests. People move around in publishing a lot, and you never know what areas of study will come in handy later in one’s career. Also, another big piece of advice that seems basic but cannot be over-emphasized is to attend the online sessions. These are not technically required, but students will learn and gain so much more from the course if they attend the weekly online sessions. This is an opportunity to engage with other students, ask questions, clarify details of the week’s lesson and assignment, and bounce ideas of your classmates; one really goes so much farther if they can attend.
I chose GW’s publishing for several reasons, namely that their program simply looked the best. The curriculum was stacked with relevant and interesting-sounding courses, the instructors were all industry professionals, and best of all, the program was designed for “working adults,” which is what I was when applying. Plus, the program is at the George Washington University, a prestigious institution, and an affordable one at that.
What courses or professors had an impact on you during your time at GW?
Publishing Entrepreneurship with John Warren is exceedingly helpful for young publishing professionals. Even if you don’t plan to be an entrepreneur yourself, this course is great for understanding the basics of the business.
Copyright Law/Print & Cyberspace is an essential class for anyone who wants to work in publishing, no matter what area. Understanding the basic rules of copyright, trademark, and fair use is critical in any media field, and this course excellently teaches these concepts.
The Professional Editor is another course that anyone entering the publishing world should take. Even if one is not necessarily going into this department, this is an important course that covers not just editing, but also managing, proofing, team relations, and author interaction. If anyone wants to work with books or journals at all, this class is a must.
Production Management is a challenging course, but it goes without saying that this is a necessary course for anyone entering publishing. Having a basic understanding of the production process, even if one has nothing to do with the production side of things, is critical for understanding a book’s life cycle. Knowing this is vital because no matter what area of publishing one is in, production will affect them in one way or another, and it is best that one has a working knowledge of the process.
John Warren had a huge positive impact on my time at GW, not just as a professor but also as the program director. He was exceedingly helpful whenever I struggled and assisted me in navigating the program whenever I was uncertain how to proceed.
Dean Smith was also a major ally in my time at GW. As one of the first professors I had in the program, he helped prepare me for the rest of my education and gave me the confidence I needed to tackle my course load.
Both Josephine Sciortino and Rebecca Brenner were each such massive supports through their class, The Professional Editor. They each had so much wisdom and experience they shared in the course, not just about editing but also about how to successfully operate in all areas of publishing, as well as how to act as a true professional in the workplace. Their guidance and encouragement had such a positive impact on me in my last year of the program.
Greg Britton is another professor who is almost too good to be true. He is not only one of the kindest people I have ever met, but he is also an extraordinary talented professor and masterfully teaches his class on book acquisitions. His eagerness to connect with students and teach the material in a more interactive and collaborative fashion made such a difference in helping me to understand acquisitions more thoroughly, not to mention it made me much more interested in the topic.
The value of GW’s MPS in Publishing degree can truly not be overstated. The degree will not only bolster you as a candidate for publishing jobs, but it will also instill you with a sense of ease and confidence in navigating the field; one has, after all, mastered it. Personally, I have newfound respect (and responsibilities) at my own workplace because my team feels I can handle more, and they are correct.
Gatekeeping and Trade Publishing, Devyn Yan Radke, Tina Donnelly (12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference)
What have you found to be the value of the MPS in Publishing degree, and how are you using what you learned, as a rising publishing professional?
It is unarguable that the value of GW’s MPS in Publishing degree can truly not be overstated. The degree will not only bolster you as a candidate for publishing jobs, but it will also instill you with a sense of ease and confidence in navigating the field; one has, after all, mastered it. Personally, I have newfound respect (and responsibilities) at my own workplace because my team feels I can handle more, and they are correct. I feel surer in myself as an employee and my own capabilities. The degree itself does a lot to impress one’s superiors too; just having it shows not only that you have a strong sense of how the business operates, but also that you cared enough to pursue higher education for your career, both of which go a long way in highlighting you as a dedicated professional.
Can you provide any other tips that might be helpful for prospective students?
Take as many electives as you can manage, and try to study things that are outside your comfort zone; you’ll be surprised at how much you may enjoy them. Business and entrepreneurial classes will teach you a lot about publishing on the ground level. Furthermore, take advantage of things like online sessions, office hours, Publishing Career Builders, and any conferences that you can attend. These are all great opportunities at GW to not only network but also sharpen your skills to prepare for the publishing landscape.
In the latest in our series of alumni profiles, Wes Bryant, talented graduate of the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program, 2022, shares his perspectives on publishing and his varied and impressive background. Wes J. Bryant is a retired master sergeant and former special operations joint terminal attack controller in the elite special warfare branch of the U.S. Air Force. He is coauthor of the book Hunting the Caliphate: America’s War on ISIS and the Dawn of the Strike Cell, a first-person account co-written alongside the former ground force commander of Iraq, retired Major General Dana J.H. Pittard. An author, editor, and defense analyst with focus on foreign policy, counterterrorism, and extremism, Wes works as a defense and aerospace professional specializing in advanced communications technologies. He holds a BA in Asian Studies from the University of Maryland, a MPS in Publishing through George Washington University, and is currently pursuing his Master of Business Administration and STEM studies at George Washington University.
What was the most challenging aspect of the MPS in Publishing program? What was the most rewarding?
Wes Bryant
The most challenging aspect for me, initially, was that I was not working at a publishing house but in the technology industry, and had no real-world foundation within which to apply some of the material aside from my work as an independent author/editor. It was easier once I realized that things like acquisitions, marketing and sales, P&L forecasting, etc. share commonalities across industries. I started finding these similarities, and as I simultaneously gained more and more understanding of the publishing industry, things began coming together.
The most rewarding aspect of the program was gaining a high-level understanding of the business of publishing as well as constantly exploring business ventures across the publishing landscape—be they entrepreneurial or with established companies—throughout various coursework.
The most rewarding aspect of the program was gaining a high-level understanding of the business of publishing as well as constantly exploring business ventures across the publishing landscape—be they entrepreneurial or with established companies
What are some of the reasons you decided to pursue the MPS in Publishing degree, and why did you choose GW specifically?
As an independent author and editor, I wanted to advance my understanding within the publishing arena. I have also had budding aspirations of potential entrepreneurship in the publishing realm. I chose GW because it is a very reputable institution, and I was impressed by the program content.
What are your plans after graduating from the MPS in Publishing program?
As the program has catapulted my understanding of the business of publishing as well as my capability for industry navigation as an author and editor, I hope to continue to build on the skills and knowledge gained to excel in my career pursuits.
What advice would you give to new or prospective students to the MPS in Publishing program?
Establish what you would like to do with the MPS degree—how it will advance your knowledge and abilities and/or growth potential in your current profession. Or, as the case may be, how it could help to land you in the profession or role you want to be. Approach the program with that in mind, and then shape your class choices accordingly.
Who (or what course) has made the biggest impact on you during your time at GW?
John Warren, the program director, without doubt had the biggest impact during my time at GW. He was always there for questions, consult, concerns, or issues—and helps students guide where they would like to go, or figure that out to begin with.
What have you found to be the value of the MPS in Publishing degree, and how are you using what you learned, as a rising professional?
The MPS in Publishing has given me unique business perspective. Specific to the business of publishing, I would feel empowered stepping into a role in a publishing house or even starting my own publishing operation with the understanding, knowledge, and skill gained from the program. And as an independent author and freelance editor, it has given me a skillset and knowledge base that I will continue to draw on and build upon for years to come.
The program’s business curriculum crosses boundaries and is applicable to a wide array of industries. Profit and loss analysis, for example, is critical to the core of any business. And the program focuses on business fundamentals such as operations, organizational management, and understanding product life cycle from market research to acquisition to design, development, production, distribution, sales, and marketing.
How are you using what you learned in your publishing courses in your day-to-day work at L3Harris Technologies, and as an author and editor?
My MPS in Publishing has complimented my career in the technology industry, as the program’s business curriculum crosses boundaries and is applicable to a wide array of industries. Profit and loss analysis, for example, is critical to the core of any business. And the program focuses on business fundamentals such as operations, organizational management, and understanding product life cycle from market research to acquisition to design, development, production, distribution, sales, and marketing. Additionally, in my work as an author and editor, the program has given me an incredibly broad array of tools to utilize.
The GW Publishing Book Club, organized by the Graduate Publishing program at The George Washington University, is a space for publishing students, alumni, faculty, and members of the publishing, library, and scholarly communication community to read and discuss titles on the history of the book, the history of publishing, and similar topics.
In Impermanent Blackness: The Making and Unmaking of Interracial Literary Culture in Modern America, author Korey Garibaldi explores interracial collaborations in American commercial publishing—authors, agents, and publishers who forged partnerships across racial lines—from the 1910s to the 1960s. Garibaldi shows how aspiring and established Black authors and editors worked closely with white interlocutors to achieve publishing success, often challenging stereotypes and advancing racial pluralism in the process.
John Fisher, a GW MPS in Publishing student who worked as a freelance editor with Korey on this book, will also join us for the discussion.
You may also sign up to be a member of the GW Publishing Book Club (not required for this event). Publishing Book Club members receive a 50 percent discount on the book.
GW students, faculty, and staff are invited to join us for this event, in person or via Zoom. If you are not a GW student, faculty, or staff, you will need to provide ID at the entrance to Gelman Library.
The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing invites publishing professionals, academics, and students to submit articles, case studies, or presentations for our upcoming special edition issue. We are specifically looking for articles addressing publishing ethics in University Press institutions and publications.
Deadline to submit for special issue: August 1, 2023.
Sustainability of presses
Diversity & Inclusion
Inclusive practices in language editing and design
Community-centered peer review practices
Demographics of university publishing—staff, authors, reviewers, & editorial boards
Author outreach and education
Free speech and censorship
New university presses & their relationship to established university presses
International partnerships between presses in developed & developing economies
Ethics in accounting for publishing costs
Ethical considerations of AI in UP publishing
Author integrity (plagiarism, et cetera)
If you are interested in writing about other topics that you think would be a good fit for the journal, such as AI, DEI, accessibility, the peer review process, and sustainability, please review ourInstructions for Authorsor reach out to our Editor-in-Chief, Lois Jones ( While these topics may not be considered for the special issue, we are always accepting new submissions for the journal.
Lois Jones (pronouns: she/her) is Peer Review Director for the Journals Department at the American Psychological Association (APA), where she oversees the peer review strategy and operations for 90 journals. Lois is focused on ensuring a transparent and ethical peer review process for authors, while providing reviewers and editors with the exceptional support they need in the constantly changing landscape of scholarly publishing. She is a 2014 graduate of the MPS in Publishing from GWU, a 2017 Early Career Fellow for SSP, and a member of the inaugural editorial board for GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing. Lois will serve as Editor-in-Chief of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing, effective October 2022.
Lois Jones, MPS, New Editor-in-Chief, GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing
Congratulations on becoming Editor-in-Chief of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing—and thank you! You’ve served for the past two years on the inaugural Editorial Board. How has serving on the board informed your plans and strategies as the new Editor-in-Chief for the journal?
Thank you! I’m very excited to continue with the journal in this new capacity. At this point, the plan is to build on what we have set up by iterating our process and increasing content. Starting a journal during the pandemic was challenging, but we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from the student members about what they’d like to see next, which is another major priority. A huge part of this journal’s goal is to provide students with practical experience in editorial, peer review, publishing, and marketing.
I have three major areas of focus as I start my term: student experience, fine-tuning our existing process, and publishing more content.
While we were starting up, the outgoing Editor-in-Chief formed a series of student-led committees that formed the basis for different aspects of the journal: strategy and sustainability, marketing, editorial, and e-publishing. Those teams worked hard to get us where we are. They’ve recommended that all committees stay updated on what the other groups are working on. Early on, I think we didn’t want to burden everyone with too much information, so now we’ll work on finding a middle ground. We also want to figure out what worked best for students and increase opportunities for even more involvement.
The second goal is to work on our process. I want to streamline our existing process and make sure that individually we’re all clear on what we’re doing in between meetings. This is a natural second step that comes after creating a new process but could be easily skipped. This is another great learning experience for students, so they get into the practice of reassessing workflows and documenting what they’ve created.
From the content standpoint, I want to start publishing more often, which is a typical goal of a newer journal, and ensure that we’re giving a platform for different ideas and career levels. I’m especially interested in ideas that push against the standard viewpoint or provide a deeper assessment of an existing issue. Fresh perspectives are incredibly important, which is another benefit of this being a student-led journal.
What have you appreciated of the impact of the journal for GW publishing students, in your interactions with them on the board, such as Aimar Galarza? What are some of your goals and expectations for students moving forward, as EIC?
I really appreciate their enthusiasm and fresh perspectives. During initial meetings, I would find that they’d question the basic assumptions of peer review and publishing, which made me reassess and either confirm or question my own approach. I’ve worked with a lot of newer graduates and early career professionals, and I find that their perspectives are a great way to never become complacent. Their ideas often push us forward in innovation and equity efforts. It’s hard to just accept things because “that’s how it’s always been” when you have smart people questioning you regularly.
Aimar, Ashley Warren, and Gabrielle Bethancourt-Hughes were integral for keeping the core journal functions moving. Their persistent work was valuable in pushing the journal forward and communicating the ideas and decisions between teams.
There are, as you know, thousands upon thousands of journals—your organization, APA, has nearly one hundred journals—and there are also several well-respected scholarly journals covering the field of publishing. What do you see as the special role or niche of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing?
I see this as a great fit for several types of articles. We’re focused on getting good ideas out there, even if they’re not the typical type of article you’d see in a journal. I want people to write articles even if it hadn’t occurred to them to write about publishing before. There are numerous topics that might not seem original or interesting, but that would be fascinating to read about. This is also a great destination for articles by newer career professionals, because we have students and experienced professionals focused on helping authors and reviewers learn the process.
What are some of the challenges—and opportunities—for a student-managed journal, to produce a professional quality scholarly publication? For example, in publishing graduate students’ capstone projects along with research written on ethics in publishing by other members of the publishing community.
One of the primary opportunities is that most of the people working on this journal are newer to the field. Their primary interest might not even be in scholarly publishing, so they aren’t necessarily focused on journals long-term. That can be a challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity to view a journal from an entirely fresh perspective. Similarly, with newer career people managing the journal, each new group of students are in the process of learning how to run and manage a journal. That could be a challenge, but like I said before, it’s also a fantastic pressure to continue reassessing the process as you go.
An original goal of the journal identified by the outgoing editor, Randy Townsend, was to ensure long-term quality. One of the committees he established was Strategy and Sustainability. That student-led committee is responsible for figuring out how to ensure that the quality of the journal remains high while also having groups of students come and go. As the journal progresses, we will continue to add to the resources to support continued student engagement.
In terms of producing high-quality content, we have a mix of both student and experienced reviewers assessing each article. The reviews are then assessed by a member of the editorial board for suitability within the journal. As with all peer reviewed content, this mixture of assessment allows for several unbiased approaches to the submissions. Once accepted, the article is then edited and prepared for publication by dedicated students.
What are some of the lessons you’ve learned in your role at APA that will be helpful to you in leading the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing?
Things are always evolving. Within science, research keeps building on itself and correcting misconceptions. I find it useful to see some parts of publishing as a snapshot in time or a reality for some publishers but not all. The industry is ever-changing, so there will always be new facets to examine and discuss. Previous assumptions might not hold true within five years or even two.
I’ve helped build different projects and launch many new services and processes, while also managing a range of personalities and skillsets. My goal is to continue forming a good process for students and authors, while encouraging both groups to think broadly.
You were a student in the MPS in Publishing program. What are some of the reasons you decided to pursue the MPS in Publishing degree? Why did you choose GW specifically?
I’ve always been interested in publishing and a colleague at APA had graduated from the program. I began pursuing my degree prior to working publishing, so it was exciting to talk to others also interested in publishing. GW’s classes cover a wide range, including areas where I didn’t have as much interest or where I had no real skill, specifically design. Even those classes were useful in that they provided me with a foundational understanding of how complex the topic was and the basics.
What advice would you give to new or prospective students to the MPS in Publishing program? And why should students consider volunteering to work on managing the journal?
Take broad classes that you wouldn’t normally gravitate toward. I’m weak when it comes to design, but I enjoyed the class. It was educational to spend time in a subject that I’m not as comfortable with. The program also gives you an idea of what part of the industry you’re most interested in pursuing and educates you on the challenges in the different aspects of publishing. Digital publishing has been a massive topic in publishing for over twenty years and the death of print has been a worry for years and years. Getting the long-term perspective from the class readings, discussions, and professors’ experience is invaluable when trying to understand the past and future of publishing.
Working with this journal is a great crash course in journal work, from peer review principles to editing and then actually releasing the content in the world. This is a wonderful hands-on method of seeing the ethical principles and general process in action.
What have you found to be the long-term value of the MPS in Publishing degree; how has it impacted your career at APA?
I appreciated that it gave me a glimpse into all the areas of publishing. I took classes in marketing, copyright, editing, and journal management. I don’t use all of the skills daily, but the basis of understanding the different areas has helped me understand the different roles I interact with. Almost universally, graduates I’ve worked with have referred to the copyright class the most. It’s a sticky topic and I still refer to the texts we used.
Graduate Certificate in Publishing and Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management
The Master of Professional Studies in Publishing program, College of Professional Studies, at the George Washington University, has expanded its offerings to provide two new graduate certificates.
The Graduate Certificate in Publishing (PUBL-GC) is designed for aspiring professionals without significant publishing experience, and for those needing a comprehensive background in the fundamentals of publishing. Students include career changers, post-bachelor and post-graduate students who have earned their degrees in other disciplines, and publishing professionals who seek to expand their skills and knowledge through high-level coursework. The curriculum covers editing and acquisitions, marketing and publicity, copyright and licensing, production, management and business, and technology and design. Core coursework for this 18-credit certificate provides a broad foundation in the entire industry, regardless of deliver method (e.g., book, journal, or online), with additional electives in specializations including editorial, business, design, marketing, and technology.
The Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management (PUBM-GC) is designed for publishing professionals who have been working in the field for three or more years, and seek knowledge in more advanced topics, especially business and management. Professionals with a minimum of three years professional experience in publishing can use this program to advance their careers with advanced courses in business management, editorial management, rights management, and entrepreneurship. To earn the graduate certificate in publishing management, students must complete 18 credit hours.
The program faculty includes nationally and internationally recognized leaders in the publishing industry, directors and senior management from organizations such as Duke University Press, Georgetown University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Disney Publishing Worldwide, American Chemical Society, and others. This ensures that the Graduate Certificate in Publishing and the Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management provide a solid background for entry into all areas of publishing. Professionals already working in the field can enhance their careers with exposure to the latest technological advances.
“From time to time, we’ve had inquiries from prospective students who either already have a master’s degree in another field, or feel that they don’t need the full, 30-credit MPS in Publishing degree, but who are interested in developing their skills in specific areas of publishing,” says John W. Warren, director of GW’s Publishing program.
“These new graduate certificates are designed to meet those needs; the Graduate Certificate in Publishing for those new to the field of publishing, who will take core curriculum courses and a few electives; and the Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management, for experienced publishing professionals who will benefit from skills such as accounting and finance for publishing, global publishing, and other top-level courses.”
The Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management has 11 credits in required courses and 7 additional elective credits, which can be chosen by any courses in the publishing program. Required courses for the Graduate Certificate in Publishing Management include:
PSPB 6221: Publishing Management and Strategy (Fall) (2 Credits)
PSPB 6261: Editorial Contracts, Rights, and Permissions (Fall) (2 Credits)
PSPB 6214: The Professional Editor (Spring) (3 Credits)
PSPB 6222: Accounting and Finance for Publishers (Summer) (2 Credits)
All credits from either graduate certificate program are transferable to the Master of Professional Studies in Publishing. Students who complete either certificate program will be eligible to receive their MPS in Publishing degree with the completion of 12 additional credits.
Scholarly communications and publishing organizations across the industry are invited to join the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), The Scholarly Kitchen (TSK), and the Masters in Publishing program at George Washington University (GW) in highlighting issues of publishing ethics during the first-ever unofficial “Publishing Ethics Week,” happening this week, October 10-14, 2022.
Launching today with a special collection of resources, #PublishingEthicsWeek22 brings together events, toolkits, best practices, and original research from a host of scholarly publishing organizations:
American Chemical Society
Coalition for Diversity in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC)
Registration is open for the 12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference. You can find the conference schedule below.
The 12th GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, with the theme of Ethics in Action, will be held Friday, October 14th, 2022, 9:00 am to 5:15 pm EST, in a hybrid format, with in-person and online presenters and attendees.
Registration is free of charge, both in-person and virtual.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful lineup of speakers and topics on the theme of Ethics in Action, on topics such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, gatekeeping in publishing, representation, open access, mentorship, and more. Our plenary will feature Kimberly Ayers Shariff, Executive Vice President, Director of Strategy for Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Penguin Random House, in conversation with Tina Donnelly, recent graduate of the MPS in Publishing program. Members of the Association of University Presses, Society of Scholarly Publishing, Library Publishing Coalition, and Association of American Publishers, as well as students and alumni of both the MPS in Publishing at GW and the MA in Book Publishing at Portland State University are among our presenters. We hope to see you there.
Please RSVP for the in-person event only if you plan to attend in-person in Washington, DC.; seating is limited and we will form a waiting list after 80 RSVPs.
In-person conference location:
National Churchill Leadership Center Gelman Library, George Washington University