Are you in the process of searching for jobs or even summer internships? One of the very first steps you should target is creating a LinkedIn profile! A recent article by Maddy Osman on Kinsta states that, “79% of marketers see LinkedIn as a very good source of leads, with 43% of marketers saying they have sourced at least one customer from LinkedIn. That number increases for B2B marketers, who report that 80% of their social media leads come from LinkedIn.” Many hiring agencies are also recommending job searchers to add their LinkedIn Profile to their resume, for easy access to potential employers!

If you are interested in learning more about optimizing opportunities using your LinkedIn profile, visit GW’s Career Services website. GW’s Career Services will also be offering a virtual seminar on April 6th at 12pm EST geared towards “Advancing Your Network through LinkedIn!” Click here to sign up for this event!
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