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International Travel Policy

A global perspective is essential to the academic mission of the George Washington University (“GW” or “university”) and the university has long supported international travel to conduct research, study cultures and languages, promote collaboration with peer institutions, represent the university, and for other academic, administrative, research and sanctioned student activities. This policy promotes travel safety for GW students, faculty, and staff, providing a framework for reducing the risk of harm to GW travelers and enhancing GW’s ability to support travelers while abroad.

Any student, faculty, or staff member proposing to undertake GW-supported or GW-related international travel must seek and receive the appropriate approval as described below, and adhere to GW’s insurance, travel security, and related requirements.

International Travel Policy

GW and CCAS faculty and staff should review the policy linked above prior to engaging in international travel. This guidance applies to GW-related or GW-supported travel only. For purposes of this policy, international travel is GW-related when the travel is:

  • undertaken because an individual is acting in an academic or professional capacity relevant to the person’s area of responsibility, activities (including co-curricular and extracurricular ones), course of research, teaching, or study at GW; or 
  • undertaken with or organized by any GW organization, division, department, or office, even if not for an academic or professional purpose. 

For purposes of this policy, international travel is GW-Supported Travel when it is:

  • funded to any degree by the university (this includes material support) or the U.S. federal government through research and development funding. Travel with non-GW organizations may still qualify as GW-related or GW-supported Travel. 

Important Things to Consider Before International Travel

  • Any international travel by faculty and staff undertaken in connection with their GW responsibilities fall within the scope of this policy, regardless of funding source.
  • Additional costs that may occur as a result of preventative quarantines, travel restrictions and the like are the responsibility of the traveler. Please familiarize yourself with the Acknowledgement of Travel Responsibilities and Limitations of Support.
  • University assistance in the form of health, security, and legal support is not extended for unapproved trips by GW faculty, staff, or students.
  • For GW travelers returning to their “home” country or country of citizenship, please be aware that travel is not prohibited, but the traveler may not have access to GeoBlue or U.S. Department of State services.
  • Any CCAS travel approvals would be contingent on updates to the university policy and changing conditions worldwide. The Office for Study Abroad, the Office of International Programs, and the Office of CCAS Global will remain in communication with any travel organizers regarding updates to GW policy and next steps for proposed travel.