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AY23-24 CCAS Visiting Scholars (A-Z)

Alessia Pattaro

Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Turin, Italy

Project: Features and Possible Modulation of "Immature" Neurons in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology

Hyo-On Nam

Principal Researcher at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)

Project: Physics Modeling on Fuel Cycle Options

Sponsored by the Department of Physics

Kazuhiro Obayashi

Professor at the Hitotsubashi University, Japan

Project: Violence in the Civil War

Sponsored by the Department of Political Science

Kit Schuster

Research Associate & Doctoral Candidate at the University of Freiburg, Germany

Project: Trans Future Fiction

Sponsored by the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

Lingfeng Zhou

Associate Professor at the
Changzhou University, China

Project: George Washington and the American Revolution

Sponsored by the Department of History

Marco Schwarz

Ph.D. Researcher at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) at the University of Düsseldorf

Project: Technological Progress, Networks, Industrial Organization, and Optimal Information and Project Acquisition

Sponsored by the Department of Economics

Menghan Yi

Professor of Statistics at East China National University

Project: Distribution-Free Predictions for Missing Clustered Data

Sponsored by the Department of Statistics

Nataliya Chaban

Professor & Director of a UC Research Centre Public Diplomacy and Political Communication Forum at the
University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Project: Public Diplomacy in Times of Conflict and Crises

Sponsored by the Institute of Public Diplomacy and Global Communication

Pampa Panwar

Professor at the Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD)

Project: Quilt Narratives of India and the US – Nine Folds of Material Stories

Sponsored by Corcoran School of the Arts & Design

Fulbright Scholar

Sixi Cheng

Ph.D. Candidate in Cultural Heritage & Museology, Fudan University, China

Project: Research on State-owned Museum Performance Evaluation

Sponsored by the Museum Studies Program, Corcoran School of Arts & Design

Sylvia Ikomi

Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Greenwich, U.K.

Project: Adultification and Black Girls in State Care: An Exploration of Perspectives

Sponsored by the Department of Sociology

Yiwei Tang

Researcher at the Fudan University, China

Project: High-Dimensional Extreme Quantile Regression

Sponsored by the Department of Statistics

Yunjong Eo

Professor of Economics at the Korea University

Project: Structural Instability in Macroeconomic Variables

Sponsored by the Department of Economics

Zhenzhen Li

Lecturer at the College of Philosophy and History Culture, Xiangtan University

Project: Research on the Diplomatic Choice and Foreign Policy Shifts in the Late Soviet Union (1985-1991)

Sponsored by the Department of History and International Affairs

Zhenzhu Xiao

Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Zürich, Switzerland

Project: Evolutionary Genomics of Goldenrod Gall Fly

Sponsored by the Department of Biological Sciences