A work in progress, but here are a few pics!
Dominique Brager, PhD, Currently in the NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program at the National Nuclear Security Administration
Jordan Herder, PhD, Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ben Walusiak, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory
James Ridenour, PhD. Currently an NRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the US Naval Research Laboratory
Nicole Byrne, PhD. Senior Radiochemist, Innovation R&D at TerraPower
Aaron Nicholas, PhD, Postdoc Fellow Cahill group now, Chemist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Yasmin Losee, Undergraduate Researcher, Cahill Group, now Clinical Research Program Coordinator-Brown Neurosurgery.
German Gomez, Fulbright Researcher, Cahill Group. National University of San Luis, Argentina. Now Researcher in Chemical Technology Research Institute, Argentina.
Group Photos thru the years
Left to Right, October 2016: Cahill, Robert 'Gian Surbella, PhD (now at PNNL); Mikaela Pyrch, MS (now at University of Iowa); Zach Manning (now at Agilent); Mark Kalaj, BS+1 (now at UC-San Diego); James 'August' Ridenour (current- PhD); Korey P. Carter, PhD (now at LBNL).
Left to Right: August 2016: Mikaela Pyrch, MS (now at Iowa), Korey Carter, PhD (now at LBNL), Mark Kalaj, BS (now at UC San Diego); Anton Savchenkov (Assistant Professor- Samara National Research University); Marvadeen Singh-Wilmot (Professor, University of the West Indies); Me, August Ridenour (current PhD student).
Left to Right: March 2012: Michael Andrews, PhD (post-doc, now at RSC); Gian Surbella, PhD (now at PNNL); Me (still at GW); Paula Cantos, PhD (now at US Treasury); Korey Carter, PhD (now at LBNL); Sonia Thangavelu, PhD (now at Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board); Andrew Kerr, PhD (now at Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center).
Left to Right: Fall 2007: Mark Frisch, PhD (now at FBI); Me, Daniel de Lill, PhD; Neely Belai, Post Doc (now at FDA); Karah Knope, PhD (now faculty at Georgetown); Nicholas Deifel, PhD (now faculty at Hamden-Sydney).
Left to Right: March 2003: Nils Schnor, BS (now an MD); Shannon Morrison, PhD (now at Altana Corp); Jacquelynn Danek, BS; Lauren Borkowski, PhD; Mark Frisch, PhD (now at FBI); Daphne Tolentino, BS (now at Washington Hospital Center); Me, Noel Gunning, MS (PhD at University of Oregon).
Other folks to come as I unearth pics:
Kara Thomas (BS- now at UC Irvine)
Clare Rowland, BS+1
Dan Bozzuto
Cecilia Zulato (visiting undergrad)
Kate Zigelgruber (visiting undergrad)
Ilya Kavalerov BS