November Cases of Note

November brings cases involving state secrets and whistleblowers, voting rights protections against racial gerrymandering, presidential powers in the context of Israel/Palestine, securities fraud, and rights of mortgage borrowers.

Monday, November 3

November arguments begin with a case that will be viewed as an Israel-Palestine issue, although the legal question is one of separation of powers.  Long-standing State Department policy is that when a US Citizen is born in a disputed territory, the consular report of birth abroad and the passport should list the city or area only (without choosing a country).  The plaintiffs’ child was born in Jerusalem in 2002, and the consulate, citing this policy, refused their request to add “, Israel” after the city name.  This case (Zivotofsky v. Kerry) challenges the constitutionality and enforceability of a Congressional enactment directing State to comply with such a parental request.  Traditionally, most everything that implicated international diplomacy, including recognition of states in disputed territories, has been within the scope of Presidential powers.  It is an open question whether Congress can direct an executive branch agency like State to go against the President’s determination of foreign policy.  In signing the bill into law in 2002, President Bush stated that this provision would not be interpreted as mandatory because otherwise it would “interfere with the President’s constitutional authority to formulate the position of the United States, speak for the Nation in international affairs, and determine the terms on which recognition is given to foreign states.”  The Obama Administration has taken the same position.

The second case this morning involves allegations of securities fraud.  Purchasers of stock may sue if the SEC registration “contained an untrue statement of material fact or omitted to state a material fact [causing the statement to be] misleading.”  (Securities Act § 11, 15 U.S.C. § 77k.)  The investors, a union pension fund, allege that the company was engaged in illegal activities, including a kickback scheme and defrauding Medicare, which it failed to disclose in SEC filings.  The company would later settle with DoJ for $124 million.  At issue in this case, Omnicare, Inc. v. Laborers Dist. Council Construction Indus. Pension Fund, is the level of intent that must be alleged to make out a claim under this provision of the Securities Act:  Must the investor show intentional misrepresentation and that the filer held a subjective intent to mislead, or only that, objectively, material facts were omitted that made the filing misleading.  The Sixth Circuit held that an objectively wrong statement is actionable, while the Second, Third, and Ninth Circuits have required a subjective element, that the filer’s true understanding was different from what was represented on the filing.

Tuesday, November 4

Department of Homeland Security v. MacLean, filed by a former TSA worker, raises the issue of state secrets and whistleblower protection.  His publication of the TSA plan to cut back on air marshals led to public outcry, Congressional investigation, and eventual abandonment of the plan, but he was fired nonetheless.  By statute, whistleblower protection does not apply if the information made public was “specifically protected by law from exposure,” but the plaintiff argues that this provision is intended to cover highly classified information under Congressionally enacted law, not a staffing plan that is made private only by TSA-issued regulation.  The unusual twist is that this is a law enforcement official, disclosing information in order to obtain greater levels of security, but of course the ruling will have implications for whistleblowers seeking to curtain the scope of “national security” measures.

The second case involves procedural issues regarding the right to rescind a home loan.  Under the Truth in Lending Act, a borrower has the right to rescind the mortgage up to three days after closing or after all receiving all legally required loan documents, but this right expires three years after closing (regardless of whether or not all documents have been provided).  In Jesinoski v. Countrywide Home Loans, the borrowers claim they were never provided all the required paperwork and they sent a letter to the bank attempting to rescind their mortgage within the three year timeframe, but they did not file a lawsuit until after that timeframe.  The Court must decide if the three year limit is akin to a statute of limitations (requiring filing of a lawsuit) or rather is governed by the related, three-day statutory procedures for rescinding the loan (which is to send a letter to the bank).

 Wednesday, November 5

Just a quick note on today’s criminal law cases.  Yates v. U.S. involves a commercial fisherman who is alleged to have caught undersized fish and then destroyed them before he could be prosecuted for that crime, so he is instead charged with impeding or obstructing an investigation.  The statutory language is directed to anyone who “knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object” with the intent to impede or obstruct an investigation; the Court must decide if this covers only business records and the like or “tangible objects” like fish, which there is no independent requirement to retain.  Johnson v. U.S. involves interpretation of the Armed Career Criminal Act, and asks whether possession of a short-barreled shotgun constitutes a “violent felony” for purposes of that sentencing scheme.

[Nov. 10th’s cases are important but focused on procedural issues.  The Court is closed on Nov. 11 for Veterans Day.]

Wednesday, November 12

This racial gerrymandering case comes with the interesting twist that the state accused of race discrimination had been arguing that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act prohibited them from drawing districts any differently–but last term the Court, to the dismay of voting rights advocates, rendered that provision inoperable.  The two cases, Alabama Democratic Conference v. Alabama and Alabama Legislative Black Caucus v. Alabama, are consolidated for argument in the first hour of the day but raise extremely important issues, especially after the decision in Shelby County last year and the denial of cert. in the Texas Voter ID case in October.  The cases are receiving a great deal of attention, especially from voting rights advocates.  Scotusblog has a useful write-up, and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has urged the Court not to reach the substantive issues at this time due to serious shortcomings in the factual record.

The Court will also hear a tax law case, questioning whether a state may tax all of its residents’ income, even if earned in another state.  Maryland State Comptroller v. Wynne


Marriage Equality Cert. Denial

This is what I get for following the crowd and saying that a marriage case at the Court was likely this term…  Lots of great coverage of this morning’s big news, but there also seems to be some confusion about what this means for states that are within those Circuits but weren’t party to these cases.  Actually bringing marriage equality to these states is going to require some more litigation, especially if a state decides to continue to fight for its discriminatory marriage laws.

In other words, this post is for those who like lawyer-nerdy, procedural notes.

First, the immediate effect.  There were 5 states that were already under orders from various courts to recognize same-sex marriages, but stay orders put those mandates on hold pending Supreme Court action.  With the Court declining to hear a further appeal, those stay orders either have expired by their own terms or have been lifted by the court that granted it, so the substantive mandates to implement marriage equality is now in effect in Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Utah.  This means that there is now marriage equality in a total of 24 states and D.C.

(Very helpful map from ThinkProgress.)

The next thing to look for is developments in the states that are covered by these Circuit Courts of Appeal, but don’t have any sort of orders against them currently.  We can assume that their laws will not fare well when challenged, but the challenge still has to happen.  A few lawsuits are pending, and the plaintiffs will ask for immediate decisions in those cases; in other states, suits are yet to be filed.  The 6 states to watch now are West Virginia and North and South Carolina (in the 4th Circuit), and Colorado, Kansas, and Wyoming (in the 10th).
[The 7th Circuit was the other court with marriages cases that were denied cert. this morning.  It covers three states:  Illinois already enacted marriage equality through legislation, and Indiana and Wisconsin have orders against them that, as noted above, can now go into effect.  Similarly, the 4th Circuit also includes Maryland, but it adopted marriage equality by voter initiative, and the 10th also includes New Mexico, but its state Supreme Court has already ordered marriage equality on the basis of the state constitution.]

Finally, there are the states in other Circuits.  The 9th Circuit is expected to rule for marriage equality, but cases are also pending in the far more conservative Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Circuits.  Then, there are the large number of states where challenges to marriage discrimination is still in the earliest of litigation stages.  Between states that have already adopted marriage equality and the ones mentioned above that presumably will be ordered to do so in fairly short order, same-sex couples will be able to marry in 30 states and DC.  If the 9th Circuit goes as expected, that number will increase to 35 (since four of the nine states in that Circuit already have marriage equality.)

So although this morning’s denial of cert. is great news in several states and good news in a half-dozen more, the rest of the country is still waiting and living under discriminatory laws. That’s frustrating and harmful, and the Court is surely going to have to take this up at some point.  However, by the time it does so, the majority of the country will already have experience with marriage equality.