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About Me

Hosting the Statistics in the Age of AI conference in George Washington University on May 9-11, 2024.

I am Xiaoke Zhang (张小可), Associate Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics within the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) of the George Washington University (GW). I am an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). I am also Associate Editors of Computational Statistics & Data Analysis and Statistica Sinica respectively. 


  • PhD, Statistics, University of California, Davis, 2014. Advisor: Jane-Ling Wang.
  • BS, Statistics, Peking University, China, 2009.

Contact Information

  • xkzhang AT gwu DOT edu

Recent News

  • Jul 2024: I receive a GW CDRF grant "Precision Physical Activity Prescription: Innovative Use of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms" as the Lead PI.
  • May 2024: Yi Zhang passes the PhD dissertation defense exam. Congratulations!
  • May 2024: The "Statistics in the Age of AI" conference is held on May 9-11, 2024 at GW. I am the chair of the organizing committee (Xiaoke Zhang, Kehui Chen, Alexander Petersen, Subrata Kundu, Joshua Landon, Gefei Lin).
  • Apr 2024: I graduate from the GW Academic Leadership Academy (GWALA).
  • Mar 2024: Yi Zhang receives the Minna Mirin Kullback Memorial Prize for Research and Scholarship by the GW Department of Statistics. Congratulations!
  • Mar 2024: I receive a NSF conference grant "Conference: Statistics in the Age of AI" as the PI. The grant will be used to financially support the conference "Statistics in the Age of AI" on May 9-11, 2024 at GW.
  • Jul 2023: I am now the Deputy Chair of the Department of Statistics.
  • Jun 2023: I am now an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
  • Jun 2023: I receive a GW CDRF grant "Regularization of Recommender Systems and Click-Bait Algorithms in Social Media" as the Lead PI.