
  • Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (PHYS 6110), graduate-level, 4 credits, Fall (2019 – )
  • Computational Physics I (PHYS 6130), graduate-level, 1 credit, Fall (2019 – )
  • Biophysics: Microscopic Physics in the Life Sciences (PHYS 3128), undergraduate-level, 3 credits, spring (2021 – )
  • Thermal and statistical physics (PHYS 164 then 3164), undergraduate-level, 3 credits, Spring 2006-2009, 2015-2021, 2023
  • Statistical Mechanics (PHYS 224 then 6310), graduate-level, 4 credits, Fall 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2014-2018
  • Biophysics (PHYS 6720), graduate-level, 3 credits, Spring 2011, 2013
  • Principles of Quantum Physics (PHYS 3167), undergraduate-level, 3 credits, Fall 2012
  • University Physics 1 (PHYS 21) SCALEUP, 3 credits, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
  • College Physics (PHYS 001), 3 credits, Fall 2007
  • Biology of proteins (BISC 183, one module), undergraduate-level, Fall 2005 – 2006

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