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Instruments and Equipment in our Laboratory

Instrumentation and Analytical Equipment

  • Quantum Design SQUID Magnetometer
  • Bruker D2-XRay Diffractometer
  • Rigaku XRay Diffractometer
  • Impedance Spectroscopy System
    • Solartron 1260 Frequency Response Analyzer
    • Solartron 1287 Electrochemical Interface
    • Solartron 1296 Dielectric Interface
  • Battery Cycling Instruments
    • 2 Arbin 32 Channel Cyclers (64 Arbin Channels Total)
    • 3 Maccor 4 Channel Cyclers (12 Channels Total)
    • 8 Newware 8 Channel Cyclers (64 Channels Total)
    • Total of 140 Battery Cycling Channels for Concurrent Battery Analysis
  • Thermogravimetric Analyzer or TGA
  • Differential Thermographic Analyzer or DTA
  • RegioGas Analyzer or RGA; Sometimes Referred to as a 'MiniMassSpec'
  • Perkin Elmer FTIR with ATR, Through Sample, and Custom Setups
  • Tenny Atmospheric Chamber for Controlled Battery Atmosphere Cycling
  • Dilatometer
  • Keithley Devices
    • - K2182 NanoVoltmeter
    • - K2182A NanoVoltmeter
    • - K2400 Source Measure Unit
    • - K6517A Electrometer
    • - K7001 Switch
  • - Van der Paw Board
  • Thermoelectric CryoAnalytical Characterization Instrumentation
  • Precision IR Non-Contact Temperature Sensor
  • Tristar Surface Area Analyzer
  • High Precision MicroBalance
  • High Precision Balance
  • 3 General Use Balances

Other Equipment

  • 6 Atmosphere Glove Boxes
    • 1 Argon MBRAUN Box
    • 3 Nitrogen MBRAUN Boxes
    • 1 Argon Atmosphere Custom Built Box
    • 1 Dynamic High Purity Gas Environment, High Gas Turnover Possible with Box Evacuation, Custom Built Box
  • 1500 Degree Celsius Tube Furnace
  • 1200 Degree Celsius Split Tube Furnace
  • 3 1300 Degree Tube Furnaces
  • Centrifuge
  • Frisch Planetary Ball Mill
  • Frisch Oscillating Mill
  • Mazerustar Mixing Machine
  • Acid Fume Hood
  • 2 General Purpose Fume Hoods
  • Carbon Dioxide Laser, 60W Power, 10.6 micron wavelength, Class 4
  • Fiber Coupled Laser , 200W Power, 980nm wavelength, Class 4
  • Fiber Laser from IPG Photonics, 1,000W Power, 1070nm wavelength, Class 4
  • Custom High Vacuum Manifolds
  • High Vacuum Diffusion Pumps (>8)
  • Many Vacuum Pumps
  • 2 Low Temperature Baths
  • Rotovap
  • Rolling Electrode Calendar
  • Precision Micrometer
  • Custom Built Laser Systems

Instrumentation and Equipment with Routine Access

Departmental Instruments and Equipment

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrograph or ICP-OES
  • Gas Chromatograph Coupled Mass Spectrometer or GC-MS
  • RAMAN Spectrometer
  • UV-VIS Spectrometer
  • Fluorescence Spectrometer
  • Small, Flow Capable, NMR Units
  • 2 NMRs (400 and 600 MHz)
  • Liquid Chromatograph
  • Atomic Absorption Spectroscope
  • FTIR Spectroscope

Other Routine Access

  • FEI Talos F200X Transmission Electron Microscope with XFEG high brightness gun
    • - Atomic Resolution STEM Capable
    • - EDS Elemental Analysis and Mapping Capable
    • - 3D Elemental Tomography Capable with 4 Si drift EDS detectors
    • - Double Angle Tilting Sample Holder for Crystallographic and other Studies
  • FEI Teneo ultra high resolution Scanning Electron Microscope
    • - EDS Elemental Analysis and Mapping Capable
  • FEI Helios Scanning Electron Microscope, FIB Capable
  • RAMAN Precision Laser Spectroscope