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5 “Friends” GIFs That Describe the GW Meal Plan

It's true, we don't have a traditional cafeteria on campus.

When I committed to going to GW, I was excited about nearly everything ... except for the meal plan. As a certified picky eater, I  was scared I wouldn't be able to find anything that I would want to eat. Now, halfway through my junior year at GW, I can't explain how much I love the meal plan at GW! You can eat at your favorite restaurants (PANERA AND CHICK-FIL-A!) or get food at one of the many grocery stores that accept your GWorld card (that's official ID card as well as your meal card). So what is the GW dining experience like when first coming to campus? Let me share my experience with you! Before I Came to Campus ... Friends GIF of Monica and Chandler that says, "You're panicking. Join me, won't you?!" Would there be enough food I like? Will I have enough to eat? On Campus for the First Time ... Friends GIF of Joey that says, "Food? Give me." Okay, where's the food? Finding out you can eat at over 90 restaurants ... ALL on your GWorld card. Trying all the different restaurants literally on campus ... Friends GIF of Joey saying, "I'm not even sorry!" When my friends back home tell me about how lucky I am to have a meal card rather than a traditional dining hall ... Friends GIF of Monica and Chandler that says, "I KNOW!" Moral of the story: Don't be intimidated by GW's dining plan. It allows you to make your own decisions (and cook, as most upperclassmen have personal kitchens). As long as you spend your money wisely, GW dining is literally the best.

Meet Our Blogger

Photo of student blogger, Felicia Kalkman
Felicia Kalkman Class of 2019 Political Communication I am majoring in Political Communication and minoring in Criminal Justice. I have worked for the Las Vegas City Attorney's Office, on Capitol Hill, and for the American Gaming Association. When I am not writing for the admissions page, you may find me traveling for collegiate debate, running the communications team for the GW Residence Hall Association, or participating in Phi Alpha Delta events.
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