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Sit back, buckle up, and reach for your exit buddy -- college is a rollercoaster.

Nonetheless, here are the lucky 8 tips (taken from experience!) that are going to help make college smoother for you. 

Tip #1: This Isn't High School

Meme saying, "You Done Messed Up A-A-Ron!" from the Key & Peele Show.

It's important to recognize that college isn't high school; it comes with its pros and cons. In high school, there were so many people looking over you to ensure you weren't making mistakes. Teachers were willing to pull you aside and check in; counselors were making your schedules! Now being in college, I can say that was pretty nice, because here in college there is no referee ready to pause the game of life when they know you're about to mess up.This is a new playing field -- one where you have to be proactive.

This self-starter attitude enables you to come into your own as you learn how to handle your independence. However, understand that having the opportunity to be independent and actually being independent are two different things. Being on your own can be difficult sometimes, but there is no better chance to discover who you are.

Once you are comfortable being independent, you become much more confident in knowing what you do and don't like, what friends you want, what decisions to make, etc. It's when life becomes simple and complex at the same time that you finally have the opportunity to shape yourself -- so make yourself a work of art!

Tip #2: Get Your House in Order

When you're caller number 8 for financial aid services ...

An imperative piece of advice I can offer is to make sure the school has all the documents needed from you in order to ensure everything regarding tuition/scholarships or financial aid is confirmed. There's nothing scarier to an undergraduate than getting an email or phone call from GW saying things haven't been processed. Therefore, I highly recommend touching base with GW's Office of Student Financial Assistance three times during the school year:

  1. First, when you commit to GW, make sure all your documents are in and have been successfully processed.
  2. Second, when you've paid for a semester, always make sure that GW received your payments.
  3. Third, in the spring semester, make sure you file your FAFSA for the next academic year. Then, contact GW's financial aid office again, to make sure all your documents needed for the following year are received and complete on your end.

The best way to prevent any house fires is to make your house fireproof! So reach out and ensure your house is in order!

Tip #3: Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Extensions

During my time at GW, I've come to recognize first-generation students have a hard time asking for extensions. Even when drowning in work, students are hesitant to email a professor and ask for an extension. The reality is this is something students can do; it's simply a matter of understanding how to go about it. Asking for an extension does not mean you're being a "bad student" in any way.

As students, we have a lot to manage and asking for help or extensions is the best choice we can make sometimes. From my experience, not asking for an extension when I needed one hurt me more than not taking the initiative to try and email my professor to ask. The worst outcome is they say no (professors have rules and deadlines too, afterall), but at least you tried. Therefore, when needed, go ahead and make an effort to ask your professor for an extension.

Tip #4: Get Out There and Meet New People

It can be tough to meet new people at first but recognize that everyone is in the same boat and therefore usually willing to make new friends. There are people from all over the world who YOU have the potential to befriend. Join organizations, look into Greek life, start a new club, play a sport or instrument, volunteer! The possibilities of meeting people are endless.

Coming to college is your blank slate or fresh plate. It's an amazing chance to make friends you never before would have met. So take a leap of faith and start that conversation in the elevator, in class, or anywhere! Plus, imagine having friends from states like California, Nevada, Florida, or New Jersey or countries like Ethiopia, China, Argentina, etc. Can you say #CollegeRoadTrip?

Tip #5: Absorb What You Can

There seems to be this idea that every student should have an internship starting their freshman year, which in turn cultivates a competitive environment and puts students at risk of burning out as they try to balance school, work, activities, and a social life.

It's important to recognize that not having an internship during your first two years is okay - and normal. In fact, you should be using your freshman and sophomore years to build connections and figure out what you would like to do. GW's Center for Career Services offers many workshops that set you up for success, surveys that can help you learn your interests, and events where they bring in representatives from organizations/companies or externships! These are great opportunities to build connections and absorb as much as you can.

The "events" under GWU Handshake are hidden gems, so take advantage of it and further your career!

Tip #6: You're in Washington, D.C. -- Go Explore!

Gif from Lord of the Rings saying, "I'm going on an adventure!"

As undergraduates, we sometimes tend to forget we live in D.C. -- but don't! There are so many opportunities out there. Don't be afraid to venture out into new areas, taste some new food, or experience a new exhibition at the near-endless choices of free museumes! Head out to Chinatown for some delicious food or Tyson's Corner Center for some shopping and don't forget the Wharf or the Navy Yard!!

Tip #7: Don't Freeze

Blank Panther gif saying, "I never freeze."

A great advisor once said, "The world is big and you are young," and this couldn't be more applicable to a student's life. College is a rollercoaster, you're going to learn a lot about yourself, have amazing experiences, and go through obstacles. Yet, there's still so much to come for you! So it's okay to get knocked down, what matters is getting back up. Perseverance is going to be a character trait you develop the most in college; you've made it this far, keep moving. Don't freeze.

Tip #8: Look Your Imposter Syndrome In The Eye and Tell It Off

Meme from Legally Blonde of Reese Whiterspoon saying, "Most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself."

At first, I didn't recognize what imposter syndrome was -- I just felt like I didn't belong. I either was hard on myself, simply because I felt like I had to prove I deserved to be here, or it was the opposite and I thought there was no point in working hard if I'm not going to be good enough. Don't have this mindset! GW chose you as much you chose them. Own it and forget it, because the only person you back is yourself. #RaiseHigh!

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Want more advice? Come join the First Generation to College organization. We have the inside scoop and the best CSE advisors on campus!

Meet Our Blogger

Sara Prifti Class of 2020 Political Science As a rising junior, I am pursuing my degree in political science and computer science. I currently serve as the vice president of First Generation to College. I am an Albanian-American, which has led me to aspire to learn new languages, and I intend to further my studies in Spanish, Italian, and French. I own two rabbits and two baby parakeets -- an uncommon pet pairing, but I adore them dearly.

We are excited to welcome you to GW and look forward to having you on campus! More information about First-Generation programming at GW can be found on the Center for Student Engagement's website

Tip #1: Go to First Friday Dinners First Friday Dinners are a great place to get to know other first-gen students. These dinners are a where I found my home at GW. Of course, I have lots of friends that are not first-gen, but it is really nice to have a space to go where everyone is experiencing exactly what you are. As a freshman, I think it is especially important to go to these because I have been able to gain a lot of knowledge from upperclassmen. This is truly something that has made my first year at GW so successful.


Tip #2: Find an Adult You Can Trust For me it has been essential to have an adult here at GW I can trust. My parents have not been able to help me very much with the college process, simply because they have never been to college. It was difficult to figure out everything on my own, and then I met the first-gen advisor, Brittany. She has helped me grow so much academically and personally, and I am not sure where I would be without her. She is one of the most amazing people I have met, and GW is extremely lucky to have her! Therefore, I highly encourage finding someone who will act as your mentor.

UP CLOSE Brittany Abraham, Program Coordinator

Brittany is the program coordinator for special populations. Brittany joined the Center for Student Engagement in August 2017. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in advertising and public relations from Loyola University Chicago and a Master of Education in higher education and student affairs administration from the University of Vermont. In her role as program coordinator, Brittany works closely with first-generation, international, and transfer students to ensure they have the most successful and fulfilling GW experience.



Tip #3: Get Involved On Campus I know everyone tells you to get involved, but it's true. I have made a lot of connections and met a lot of phenomenal people. Attend events that interest you and talk to other students! You never know what will happen, and you may just join one of the most amazing student organizations on campus by accident.

OrgSync is a way to connect to organizations, communicate with other members, and explore the GW community.

Tip #4: Never Be Afraid to Try Anything! There are so many opportunities to try new things at GW. There are a lot of cool places to explore, such as the Smithsonians or the Library of Congress! Even trying out new restaurants is an exciting thing to do with friends! You also get to experience all the little things in D.C. that a general tourist misses out on.

GW Virtual Tour - City Life from The George Washington University on Vimeo.   Tip #5: Have fun! College isn’t just about learning; you need to have some fun too. Take a break from studying and going to class all the time. Hang out with friends or go explore the monuments. The world is your oyster!  

Meet Our Blogger

Headshot of Student Blogger, Emma ElmoreEmma Elmore Class of 2021 Business Administration I am currently a freshman at The George Washington University. I am heavily involved in the first-generation community on campus. I am active in the following student organizations: Residence Hall Association, Pre-Law Student Association, and Japanese-American Student Alliance. I am also a mentor for seventh graders in Wards 6 & 7 through the Honey W. Nashman Center program called "Higher Achievement."  

Deciding to transfer is the easiest decision to make for some people; for others, it's an exceptionally hard choice.

I was in between. When I transferred from a large state school to the George Washington University -- I'd formed amazing friendships in my two years, found a job I liked, and played club sports. However, during the first semester of my sophomore year, I came to realize that I wanted more than a state school, even if I wasn't sure what "more" was at the time.   Looking back on the transfer process, I have 5 pieces of advice to give to anyone considering transferring today: #1: Be deliberate in how you select where you wish to transfer Visit the campus or campuses if at all possible, and if not, take the virtual tours. Talk to students in person or online. Look around for the things that fill in the gaps you're missing at your current school or for aspects that you loved about your original campus. Each person at each school tells a story that makes up the novel of your experience in college and you want to make sure you'rewriting the right book!
Make sure to tour campus whenever possible!
  #2: Double (and triple) check your applications Not only do schools differ in their application processes from one another, but transfer applications also differ from undergraduate applications. Essays, recommendation, transcripts, and other requirements might be different even from other applications within the same school. You want to make sure to put your best foot forward -- and the easiest way to do that is not writing an essay about the big game in high school when essay prompt asks about your first semester away. Admissions offices and representatives are your friends -- find any open houses or information sessions, and reach out with questions.  
A bad example of filling out applications quickly.
  #3: Spend your summer reflecting and getting excited! You got in! Now comes one of the unexpected hard parts -- the wait. To me, it felt like the summer between high school and college all over again. I'd left my friends behind at school and knew no one where I'd be headed in the fall. I couldn't wait to get to campus and move into my new dorm, start my new curriculum, and generally begin a new life in D.C. To pass the time, think ahead about what you want to accomplish. You're doing something awesome and unique by starting again, so reflect on what you did right and what you want to change this time around. Everyone experiences pitfalls, but you may be able to avoid some time around with your experience.
Enjoy the summer excitement!
  #4: Make the most of your orientation At GW, it's called Colonial Inauguration, or CI for short. And sure, you've most likely been to orientation before -- but nothing like transfer orientation has to offer. You're still going to learn your school's fight song, get some great insider tours, and gain insight into what policies and processes you'll encounter at your selected school. Plus, if you choose to attend GW, your orientation will be mere blocks from the White House. Where else does that happen? At GW, CI also allows you to move in a few days early, giving you time to meet others in the same boat an get settled prior to the start of classes.
Say "Hi!" at orientation! Everyone is in the same boat looking to meet others.
  #5: Embrace the culture change I personally came from a large state school, and it couldn't be more different from my experience at GW. At first, it was definitely daunting to decide what to take on, but ultimately, I found it easier just to jump in and embrace the changes.  Coming in as a first-semester freshman, you're facing a wall of unknown. As a transfer, you have an idea of what to expect and what will be exciting. So make the most of it! Join the clubs you wanted to join your first time around but couldn't, go out and meet people, and capitalize on the internships and experiences that make your selected school unique.
Make your grand entrance to new experiences!

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  As a transfer student, you're getting an awesome chance to start over in a new place and write a new chapter in your story. So start reviewing where to go, get your application materials in line, reflect and plan ahead, enjoy orientation, and soak up the experience of being a transfer student!  

Meet Our Blogger

Sharon (Testor) Bucher Finance Coordinator Enrollment Management and Retention GW Alumnus After transferring to GW as a junior, I finished my B.A. in Business Administration and received my M.T.A. in sustainable destination management. At GW, I've worked at Gelman Library, for the Office of the Registrar on both the Virginia Science and Technology and Foggy Bottom campuses for the Strategic Enrollment Initiatives Office. Currently, I serve as the Finance Coordinator for the Enrollment and the Student Experience division. I also help teach study abroad courses with the School of Business each winter term, trying to stay warm during D.C.'s cold winters!

So you've made it through your last year of high school -- congratulations! I remember my senior year like it was yesterday...

  In the Fall semester of my senior year, I was so pumped to be able to say I was FINALLY a senior! I was so ready for all the fun stuff like Senior Week, our senior prank (which was a bust, btw), my last homecoming, prom, and finally, graduation! I was so caught up in the senior year hype that I low-key ignored how difficult the college application process can be. Because applying to college is easy, right? GIF of man pointing and saying, "You're Wrong." I have never been so wrong in my life. I was ready for all the fun parts of my senior year, but I wasn't prepared for the work that came along with applying to schools, especially as a first-generation college student. I am the first in my family to attend college, so I didn't really have a close relative to confide in and talk about the college application process. Thankfully, I was able to work with the college and career counselors in my community (huge shout out to them!). It was through my counselors that I learned about the Common Application, FAFSA, CSS Profile, etc. I wouldn't be at GW without their love and support.
DJ Khaled GIF saying, "I appreciate you."
  Okay, I have a confession to make. When I applied to GW, I did not think I was going to get in. I didn't have a lot of the resources, test scores, or connections that many of my current classmates had when applying to schools. Even though the school is diverse, I thought I had to fit the school's "profile" (and after being on campus for a year, I've come to find that no such profile exists). There was no way that a school as well as regarded as the George Washington University would want me, right? Homer Simpson GIF saying, "Oh, I'm wrong again!" I was wrong. Attending GW, I have come to discover that there so many people here that are first-generation college students like myself. We share common struggles and experiences, and it makes me feel like I am not alone in this journey. The university's Center for Student Engagement offers a first-generation program that assists students in their transition from high school to college as well as the next four years. If you're currently on the fence about whether GW is the place you want to spend the next four years, keep in mind that GW is unique. I haven't heard of many schools that have an entire program dedicated to catering to the needs of first-gen students and that's what makes us feel special. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. I can't wait to meet you all in the fall -- until then, #RaiseHigh!

Meet Our Blogger

  Picture of first-gen GW student and blogger, Autumn Thompson Autumn Thompson Class of 2021 Business Administration I am a freshman at GW, currently majoring in International Business with a double minor in Political Science and Law & Society. I am a member of the GW Cheer team (Raise High!) via the GW Spirit program, a member of Black Student Union, and GW's Black Women's Forum. I am also serving as a student representative for GW's Bias Incident Reporting System program. I love social justice work and advocacy. After graduation, I plan to pursue a law degree. Favorite #OnlyatGW moment: I love when GW plays the fight song on the bells at 12:15 p.m. every day -- maybe it's the cheerleader in me!