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Six Things I Wish I Knew Before College

As Told by "The Office"

Going off to college may seem daunting and overwhelming. Here are some useful things I wish I'd known before coming to college.  Because college students often learn best when presented with visuals, here are some words of advice accompanied by GIFs from NBC's "The Office." #1: You Aren't Going to Know Everything, and That is Okay GIF of Michael Scott from The Office saying, "And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." College is a whirlwind of new information and new experiences. You might be an obsessive planner who wants to know every little thing and figure everything out right away. The reality is, you’re not going to immediately figure out everything. That’s okay. You’re in the same boat with all the other freshmen and you’ll eventually get settled in. #2: Don't Just Write Down What is On the PowerPoint GIF of Michael Scott from The Office saying, "Powerpoint. Powerpoint. Powerpoint." Many professors lecture with PowerPoint. However, don’t just copy everything that is written on the slide. Often times, the lecture slides are posted online after class. Even if they’re not, what comes out of the teacher’s mouth is usually more important than what’s written on the PowerPoint. #3: Start. Your. Essay. Early. GIF of Michael Scott from The Office saying, "Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going." Unlike high school, your college course grades are usually based off a few major assignments. Usually, this includes an essay. If you start your essay early, you will have plenty of time to do research and formulate a coherent thesis. Everyone gets writer’s block. By starting an essay early (not the week, weekend, or day before it’s due), you won’t feel rushed and you’ll get a better grade on the assignment. #4: You have to "Network" GIF of Bob Vance from The Office saying, "Stanley Hudson. Bob Vance, Vance refrigeration." In college, you should always be networking. You never know where the next job or internship opportunity will come from. Creating a LinkedIn account or getting to know your professors during their office hours are good places to start. #5: Manage Your Free Time ... Efficiently GIF of Jim Halpert from The Office saying, "You can see we have 'procrastinating,' and 'distracting others,' and this tiny sliver here is 'critical thinking.' I made it bigger. So that you could see it." You may be initially shocked by the structure of college schedules. Compared to high school, you’ll have a lot of free time. However, this doesn’t mean you should just exclusively binge “The Office” on Netflix repeatedly (like me). While taking a mental health break and relaxing is good, be sure to use your free time effectively. Whether this means blocking out time to study or go to the gym, be sure you’re getting the most out of each day.  #6: Eat "Healthy" GIF of Kevin Malone from The Office having broccoli stuffed in his face. The "Freshman 15" is definitely a real thing. To counteract this, remember to eat some fruits and vegetables every once in a while … this includes limiting the amount of late night cookie or ice cream runs.

Meet Our Blogger

Jeremy Marsh Class of 2019 Political Science I am a junior at GW, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Journalism and Mass Communication. I''m also a dual-degree student pursuing my graduate degree in Political Management. At GW, I also write for MediaFile and I serve as a tour guide for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. When I'm not in the classroom, I intern around D.C. Currently, I am working for the Cook Political Report. I'm originally from Los Angeles, but I now call Las Vegas home. My interests include politics, media, and the Yankees (baseball). I also enjoy watching comedies on Netflix.
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