GWTeach Master Teacher SuJin Choi visited the Learning Assistants class on Thursday to talk about her career path from mathematics and finance major, to earning her license to teach, to becoming a high school math teacher, and most recently joining the GWTeach program as Master Teacher.
What’s New
Prof. McClary introduces LAs to Chem Ed Research
Prof. McClary visited CPED6100W this week to discuss her experiences in Chemistry Education Research. She shared her research on students' mental models of acid and acid strength and use of heuristics in General Chemistry and Chemistry. She also led the LAs in a discussion about creative exercises and other techniques to encourage students to really make sense of chemistry.
Prof. Donaldson invited to speak about LA Program @ ASCB
Prof. Rob Donaldson will give an invited talk on December 3rd at annual national meeting of the the American Society for Cell Biology, Philadelphia, PA. His talk, titled Learning in Large Introductory Biology Courses Is Effectively Facilitated by Trained Undergraduate Learning Assistants, will appear in the in the Evidence Based Education Minisymposium. Check back in December for an update!
LA Sarah Schrup presents at CPED6100W
Next week, LA Sarah Schrup will present her poster, High-throughput Optoepigenetics with Photoswitchable Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors in Murine Breast Cancer and Melanoma Models, co-authored with Christina M. Ambrosi, Melissa Hadley, Andrew I. Efimov, Stephen J. Haggarty, Ralph Mazitschek, Alejandro Villagra, and Emilia Entcheva, at the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (BMES) in Pheonix, AZ. Sarah did a test run of her talk in CPED6100W. That sparked a discussion about the benefits and limitations of learning science by participating in undergraduate research.
Teaching Day 2017
Thank you to LAs Acacia Ackles and Alaina Pak for presenting "How to Improve In-class Activities with Undergraduate Learning Assistants" at GW Teaching Day 2017! Alaina and Acacia were the only undergraduate students presenting at the event.
LA Maddi Long presents on learning in biology labs
Madison "Maddi" Long, Biology LA, presented her research "Student Acquisition of Science Skills and Learning Objectives in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course" at CPED6100W. Maddi is one of a handful of LAs who've gone on to STEM Education Research after completing LA training.
Dr. Lama Jaber visits LA Pedagogy course
Dr. Lama Jaber, Assistant Professor of Science Education at Florida State University, visited the LA pedagogy course CPED6100W this week! Thanks Dr. Jaber for your visit!
LAs present @ NARST 2017
LAs Alaina Pak, Marissa Mangini, and Clare Green presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), San Antonio, TX. Their research examined LAs' use of Talk Moves and Questioning Patterns in undergraduate physics courses. Congratulations team!
GW Today Features the LA Program
Thank you to GWToday sharing "How GW’s Learning Assistant Program Is Shaking Up the Classroom"!