What to Expect in an LA-Supported Course
In class, you will often see Learning Assistants moving between groups of students, asking questions and listening to conversations. They are there to help make sure all students feel included in class, to facilitate group work, and to press students to really think about the course material.
Learning Assistants are not answer keys. Sometimes, they will give you a hint or try to help you get started on a problem. They might even share a brief explanation or an analogy that they found helpful when they were taking the course. But usually, if you tell them you are stuck, they will ask you questions. You might feel frustrated sometimes that LAs aren't just leading you down the right path, but in the long run, the goal is for you to learn how to solve problems yourself, and not rely on the LA. If you want to learn more about the techniques that LAs are using in class, check out our LA Training page.
If you have an LA in your class, it means you are also probably going to be working with other students in small groups.