Roger Ideishi, JD, OT/L, FAOTA, has big plans for our soon-to-be-established entry-level Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program. “My goal is that the OT program makes a dent in health care and occupational therapy, and establishes a teaching, service, and research identity that’s recognized,” Ideishi said. “We want to produces graduates who care about changing the future rather than just getting a job. There are not a lot of large universities in the region that have OT … GW entering the field, I think, is a significant benchmark in our profession.” Ideishi joined HS in December as professor and director of OT programs in the Department of Health, Human Function and Rehabilitation Sciences. He previously served as a director and professor in the OT program at Temple University. Ideishi is a cultural arts and accessibility specialist that has worked with a number of organizations. It’s his commitment to continue working with some of those groups that’s behind his decision to live in Philadelphia and commute to GW – he takes the train here and back, daily, several times a week. “The worst part of the commute is getting from Union Station to GW,” he said with a laugh. His drive to improve the quality of life for the neuro diverse community led to projects with the Smithsonian and the Kennedy Center. “A lot of my work has occurred in D.C. for the past decade, so in some ways, I already feel a part of the area,” he said. One focus area is in helping arts organizations develop sensory friendly programming. “Someone with a disability can be a full patron at the Kennedy Center or the Smithsonian Institution. We can modify the sound or visual environment… supporting their sensory processing preferences. It’s not changing the art; we can modify the audience experience,” he said, noting that the cultural shift is creating a new audience. “It has become a global phenomenon.” Away from work, you’re likely to find Ideishi training for a marathon. An avid runner, he has run four marathons and has the Tokyo and Los Angeles races on his to-do list. A California native, he earned a JD from Temple University and a bachelor’s degree in OT from the University of Washington.