Sarah Shomstein, Ph.D.
Lab Director
[CV] [google scholar] [ORCiD]
Sarah Shomstein is a Thelma Hunt Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, and a Chair, at the George Washington University's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Her research interests are focused on investigating the neural mechanisms of attentional selection by combining both behavioral and neuroimaging techniques in neuro-typical as well as brain damaged populations. In her spare time she plays tennis, skis, scuba dives, travels, attends art exhibits, and perfects her photography skills.

Shira Domb, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, co-advised with Dwight Kravitz
[CV] [google scholar] [ORCiD]
Shira completed her PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Haifa University in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Yaffa Yeshurun. She then worked as a postdoc at York University with Prof. John K. Tsotsos. She is interested in the reciprocal influences of visual working memory, visual perception, and visual attention, as well as their changes across the lifespan. In her spare time, Shira enjoys traveling, painting, visiting art exhibitions, and spending quality time with her family.

Kira Wegner-Clemens, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Kira graduated from Rice University in 2017 with a BA in Cognitive Science, then studied face viewing behavior as a post bac researcher at Baylor College of Medicine before starting graduate school with Mike Beauchamp. She's interested in attentional mechanisms in real world multisensory contexts, such as face conversation. Outside of lab, she likes to try new restaurants and recipes, paint watercolors, and fall off walls at the rock climbing gym.

Kelly McEvoy
Graduate Student
[personal page]
Kelly graduated from Loyola University New Orleans in 2022 with a BS in Psychology and concentration in Neuroscience. She is interested in using neuroimaging to investigate the top-down and bottom-up influences on visual selective attention and the impact stress and emotional faces may have on these influences. In her spare time, she likes to listen to podcasts about space, paint landscapes, read classic literature works, and drink a lot of coffee.

Sanika Paranjape
Graduate Student, co-advised with Dwight Kravitz
[personal page]
Sanika graduated from Case Western University in 2019 with a BS in Biology and Cognitive Science. She then worked as a postbac researcher at the NIH studying face perception with Chris Baker. In graduate school, she is interested in how visual working memory influences perception and attention, and vice versa. in her free time, she enjoys exploring the city, baking, and playing fetch with her cat.

Sanweda Mahagabin
Graduate Student
[personal page]
Sanweda graduated from Cornell University in 2022 with a BS in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Genetics, Genomics, and Development. While at Cornell, she worked in the Attention, Memory, and Perception lab where she looked at the impact of fatigue on the Attentional Boost Effect. As a post-bac researcher at the Grosenick Lab at Weill Cornell, she studied the effects of TMS on brain activity in treatment-resistant depression patients. She is interested in exploring how attention affects decision-making and examining attentional mechanisms in real-world contexts. When she's not conducting research, she enjoys reading, photography, going to concerts and museums, and figuring out the best places to get caffeinated.
Lab Alumni:
Post Doctoral Fellows:
Xiaoli Zhang
Selene Schintu
Jonathan Doyon
George Malcolm
Stephen Adamo
Summer Sheremata
Fatma Uyar
Junjun Zhang
Postdoc, Michigan State University, Taosheng Liu Lab
Research Associate, Center for Mind/Brain science University of Trento
Postdoc, Harvard Medical School, The Jung Lab
Associate Professor, University of East Anglia, England
Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University
Data Scientist, Highmark Health
Assistant Professor, University of Chengdu, China
Graduate Students:
Kira Wegner-Clemens
Ellie Robbins
Dick Dubbelde
Joseph Nah
AJ Collegio
Breana Carter
Jeongmi Lee
Leslie Drummond
Postdoctoral Fellow, George Washington University, Shomstein Lab
Research Fellow, U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Psychology, Georgetown University
Senior User Researcher, Bose
User Researcher, Google
User Experience Researcher, Vanguard
Associate Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Research Manger, US Corrections Institute
Undergraduate Students:
Eden Levitt
Paul Scotti
Alexander J. Etz
Ian Donovan
Emily Bilger
Sarah Mayer-Brown
Sarah Weiss Rozalis
Alexandra Fleszar
Erik Wing
Anna Byers
Jacoba Johnson
Research Assistant
Research Scientist, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Assistant Professor of Instruction, University of Texas at Austin
Technical Consulting Practitioner, Accenture
MD, Internal Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital of Maryland
Psychologist, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Associate, Weiss & Paarz Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Appellate Defense Counsel, US Air Force JAG Corps
Postdoctoral Fellow, Gilboa Lab
Senior UX Research Manager, ServiceNow
Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice