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Leadership Matters

Matthias Ripp via Compfight Conceptualizing Responsible and Humanistic Leadership within the Asian Context- and Why Leaders around the world are faced with pressing challenges. Growing levels of inequality, corruption and poverty, and challenges of peace, justice, and sustainable economic growth are complex and widespread. It is within this backdrop that disappointment with ‘how organizations and societies are ...continue reading "Leadership Matters"

Talent Management

Framework of Talent Management: Example of the United States  Interest in talent management (TM) in the business context and the macro (global) context increased significantly in the 1990s when a group of McKinsey consultants coined the phrase, ‘war for talent’ in late 1990s to emphasize the critical importance of employees to the success of top performing ...continue reading "Talent Management"

Globalization Matters

Steve Baker via Compfight Globalization and its Disconnects  I continue to make a case for recognizing the complex, dynamic and evolving reality of international business, based on my academic and research background that focuses on exploring the paradoxes of globalization and how that impacts individuals, societies and organizations around the world. Here, I would like to focus ...continue reading "Globalization Matters"

Culture Matters

Highlighting ‘within country’ difference In the past few decades, globalization and technological advancements have brought about many cultural and value changes, leading politicians, economists, businesses and sociologists around the world to debate the question of “value change” with fervor. Overall, we have witnessed the growing impact of the western values globally (or convergence). At the ...continue reading "Culture Matters"

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Leadership Matters- Ongoing Project

Making Sense of Inequalities: A Study of Inequalities within Organizations and Impact on Organizational Dynamics Inequality is endemic to organizations. It is at core of daily individual experiences- in how we live our lives and the way we organize work (Acker, 2006;...

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