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He comes and talks to me, through me.

Gentle but firm, the voice rises like the sea.

There, beyond the tides, I catch a glimpse of my destiny.

A path un-tread, yet I feel no hesitation.

My mind and heart are in complete unison.

This ecstasy desires neither logic nor reason.

Only yearning to lose myself in this new season.


Shaista E. Khilji

Potomac, MD

Jan 7, 2015

The Vast Emptiness

The vast empty land in my being,

Extends into labyrinth of the unseen.

It reminds me of my essence,

And elevates me to a heightened pleasance.

Alone but never lonely

It is here I live and die surely.

I taste your presence in the air-

Across this vastness, and eyes everywhere.

I twirl with ecstasy from hills to valleys

Collecting cheery savvy stories.

What return is of subsequence,

When I lose myself in this ‘nothingness’?


Shaista E. Khilji

Feb 6-9, 2018

Potomac, MD

The Ocean

The chasm between us is deeper than the ocean

No hope, no breath, not even a plosion.

In faith, I tread its calm waters

Moving across unfamiliar borders.

There are times I feel your presence

Faint, far away, and in the distance.

The silence between us, dark and heavy,

Holds the unspoken emotions within its levee.

Up and down, I ride with the waves

Searching for some wisdom that may save.


Shaista E. Khilji

Feb 15-17, 2018

Potomac, MD

The Friend 

I traversed snow-covered mountains, and lush green valleys

Looking for a friend down distant alleys.

I wandered along brightly lit paths, and in tall graceful buildings,

Seeking for a friend to engage with my feelings.

I searched my hands, my heart, then my soul-

This is where I found the friend who made me whole.

We dwell in harmony and talk in whispers

While seasons turn spring, summers to winters.

There is acuity and profundity in this unison-

Much sweeter than my own imagination!

I want to live in this presence peacefully

Letting my days and nights flow purposefully.


Shaista E. Khilji

Jan 22, 2017

Potomac, MD

The Oak Tree

Eyes weary of the outside,

Look inside-

The hollowness there you see,

Sings with thoughts glee and free.

The self-lostness there you feel

Dances in prayer deep.

Beyond this emptiness lies ecstasy,

Your ultimate destiny.

And high above this vacuity,

Grows a tall rustling oak tree.

Arms open wide,

It gives unconditionally.


Shaista E. Khilji

Dec 27, 2016

Potomac MD