The Boyes research group studies the use of living and controlled polymerization techniques to modify a wide variety of surfaces, both on the macro and nano scales, to produce multifunctional materials for a range of advanced applications. The research conducted in my group is concentrated on surface modification using polymers for advanced technologies and control over interfacial properties. Students in the group develop expertise in organic and polymer synthesis, surface modification chemistry, and the various characterization techniques involved in these areas. In addition, our group works closely with other chemists, engineers, biologists, and biomedical researchers so that our technologies can reach their full potential. For more details on our project see the research page!
Latest News
July 2024
Stephen Boyes (Chemistry) was awarded an NSF grant for an intergovernmental personnel act (IPA) assignment. Prof. Boyes will be serving as a rotating program director at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Chemistry for the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemisty program. The IPA grant from the NSF supports Prof. Boyes while he is at the NSF.