Philosophy We and every form of life live in a world driven by physical laws. Evolution is the most sublime response to this fact and the engineering done by nature to sustain life in a physical world amazes me every day. I am inspired by great thinkers like Steve Vogel and highly recommend his 12 part series published in the Journal of Biosciences, Living in a Physical World. The first of the series is must reading, after which you will look for the rest, on the journal's website. The central point is simple. The laws of physics pressure biology to adapt and we, through measurements and modeling, can understand and adapt our thinking and technologies to those constraints. In so doing, we should strive to make the physical world safer, more habitable, and simply better for humans and our fellow organisms. Select the overview page on the menu above to see a general description of our research and how we do this.
Teaching During the Spring 2023 semester, I will be teaching Physics 1025, University Physics with a Bio Focus. Information about this course can be found on blackboard, if you are enrolled, or on the course piazza page.
Advising For undergraduates students, I am the biophysics advisor. Information about the biophysics major can be found on the departmental website about majoring or minoring in biophysics. You should contact me for more information at or more generally at the physics advising email address,
ULA Program I am the departmental coordinator for the undergraduate learning assistant program in physics. If you are interested in becoming an LA, and have taken a physics course at GW, please contact your instructor and ask them to recommend you to the ULA program. Information about GW's ULA program on its blog page.