- Gastwirth J, Miao W & Pan Q On the interplay between practical and statistical significance in equal employment cases. Law, Probability & Risk
- Yang L, Zhao Y, Pan Q. Integrative network analysis with application in multi-source gene expression data. Journal of Data Science (advisor of the first author)
- Wang Y, Zhao Y & Pan Q. Advances, Challenges and Opportunities of Phylogenetic and Social Network Analysis Using COVID-19 Data. Briefing in Bioinformatics (corresponding author)
- Jiang, Y.*, Pan, Q.*, Liu, Y. and Evans, S. A Statistical Review: Why Average Weighted Accuracy, not Accuracy or AUC? (*co-first author), Journal of Biostatistics & Epidemiology
- Tang, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, J., and Pan, Q. (2021) Conditional marginal test in high dimensional quantile regressions. Statistica Sinica
- Pan, Q., Gastwirth, J.L. and Miao W.W. (2020) Statistical procedures for assessing the need for an Affirmative Action plan: A reanalysis of the Shea v. Kerry. Statistics & Public Policy 7:1, 1-8.
- Zhao, Y., Pan, Q., & Du, C. (2019). Logistic regression augmented community detection for network data with application in identifying autism‐related gene pathways. Biometrics, 75(1), 222-234.
- Cheung, L. C., Pan, Q., Hyun, N., & Katki, H. A. (2019). Prioritized concordance index for hierarchical survival outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 38(15), 2868-2882. (advisor of the first author)
- Wang H., Hueman M. T., Pan Q., Henson D. E., Schwartz A. M., Sheng L., Chen D. C. (2019). Creating Prognostic Systems by the Mann-Whitney Parameter. Elsevier Smart Health Journal, 18474377. (co-advisor of the first author)
- Yang, A., Miller, D. and Pan, Q. (2018). Selecting gene interactions using MECPM algorithm for survival outcomes. Journal of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, 16(6), 1840024. (advisor of the first author)
- Cheung, L. C., Pan, Q., Hyun, N., Schiffman, M., Fetterman, B., Castle, P. E., ... & Katki, H. A. (2017). Mixture models for undiagnosed prevalent disease and interval‐censored incident disease: applications to a cohort assembled from electronic health records. Statistics in Medicine, 36(22), 3583-3595. (advisor of the first author)
- Hyun, N., Cheung, L. C., Pan, Q., Schiffman, M., & Katki, H. A. (2017). Flexible risk prediction models for left or interval-censored data from electronic health records. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(2), 1063-1084.
- Gastwirth, J. L., Miao, W., & Pan, Q. (2017). Statistical issues arising in the Kerner v. Denver: a class action disparate impact case. Law, Probability and Risk, 16(1), 35-53.
- Pan, Y., Yan, C., Hu, Y., Fan, Y., Pan, Q., Wan, Q., ... & Mazumder, R. (2017). Distribution bias analysis of germline and somatic single-nucleotide variations that impact protein functional site and neighboring amino acids. Scientific Reports, 7, 42169.
- Pan, Q., & Zhao, Y. (2016). Integrative weighted group lasso and generalized local quadratic approximation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 104, 66-78.
- Gastwirth, J. L., Xu, W., & Pan, Q. (2015). Statistical measures for evaluating protected group under-representation: analysis of the conflicting inferences drawn from the same data in People v. Bryant and Ambrose v. Booker. Law, Probability and Risk, 14(4), 279-304.
- Gastwirth, J. L., Xu, W., & Pan, Q. (2014). Did the Michigan Supreme Court Appreciate the Implications of Adopting the “Disparity of the Risk” Measure of Minority Representation in Jury Pools in People v. Bryant? Statistics and Public Policy, 1(1), 129-132.
- Xu, W., Pan, Q., & Gastwirth, J. L. (2014). Cox proportional hazards models with frailty for negatively correlated employment processes. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 70, 295-307. (advisor of the first author)
- Xu, W., Pan, Q., & Gastwirth, J. L. (2014). Adaptive procedures for nested processes: application to equal employment. Statistics and Its Interface, 7(2), 153-165. (advisor of the first author)
- Pan, Q., & Schaubel, D. E. (2014). Proportional hazards regression in the presence of missing study eligibility information. Lifetime data analysis, 20(3), 424-443.
- Pan, Q. (2013). Multiple hypotheses testing procedures in clinical trials and genomic studies. Frontiers in Public Health, 1, 63.
- Pan, Q., & Gastwirth, J. L. (2013). Estimating restricted mean job tenures in semi-competing risk data compensating victims of discrimination. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7(3), 1474-1496.
- Pan, Q. (2012). Case comment: Adams v. Perrigo and the appropriate criterion for bioequivalence in patent infringement cases. Law, Probability and Risk, 12(2), 147-153.
- Pan, Q., & Gastwirth, J. L. (2012). The appropriateness of survival analysis for determining lost pay in discrimination cases: application of the ‘Lost Chance’doctrine to Alexander v. Milwaukee. Law, Probability and Risk, 12(1), 13-35.
- Pan, Q., & Yi, G. Y. (2011). An estimation method of marginal treatment effects on correlated longitudinal and survival outcomes. Statistics and Its Interface, 4(4), 499-509.
- Gastwirth, J. L., & Pan, Q. (2010). Statistical measures and methods for assessing the representativeness of juries: a reanalysis of the data in Berghuis v. Smith. Law, Probability & Risk, 10(1), 17-57.
- Pan, Q., & Schaubel, D. E. (2009). Evaluating bias correction in weighted proportional hazards regression. Lifetime Data Analysis, 15(1), 120-146.
- Pan, Q., & Schaubel, D. E. (2009). Flexible estimation of differences in treatment‐specific recurrent event means in the presence of a terminating event. Biometrics, 65(3), 753-761.
- Pan, Q., & Gastwirth, J. L. (2009). Issues in the use of survival analysis to estimate damages in equal employment cases. Law, Probability and Risk, 8(1), 1-24.
- Gastwirth, J. L., & Pan, Q. (2008). Diaz v. Eagle Produce Ltd. partnership: The potential for and limitations of formal statistical analysis to assist courts when drawing inferences from a relatively small data set. Jurimetrics, 49, 439-466.
- Sinclair, M. D., & Pan, Q. (2009). Using the Peters–Belson method in equal employment opportunity personnel evaluations. Law, Probability and Risk, 8(2), 95-117.
- Pan, Q., & Schaubel, D. E. (2008). Proportional hazards models based on biased samples and estimated selection probabilities. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 36(1), 111-127.
- Schwartz, A.V., Pan, Q., Aroda, V., Crandall, J., Kriska A., Piromalli C., Temprosa E., Florez, H. Lifestyle and metformin interventions in DPP do not have long-term negative effects on bone density or falls. Osteoporosis International (responsible statistician)
- Hazuda, H. P. , Pan, Q., Florez, H., Luchsinger, J. A., Crandall, J. P., Venditti, E. M., Golden, S. H., Kriska, A. M. and Bray, A. (2021). Association of intensive lifestyle intervention and metformin with frailty in the diabetes prevention program (DPP) outcomes study (DPPOS). J. Gerontology A. Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 76(5), 929-936. (responsible statistician)
- Tan, X., Li, Z., Ren, S., Rezaei, K., Pan, Q., Goldstein, A. T., ... & Fu, S. W. (2019). Dynamically decreased miR-671-5p expression is associated with oncogenic transformation and radiochemoresistance in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research, 21(1), 1-14.
- Perreault, L., Pan, Q., Schroeder, E. B., Kalyani, R. R., Bray, G. A., Dagogo-Jack, S., ... & Mathioudakis, N. (2019). Regression From Prediabetes to Normal Glucose Regulation and Prevalence of Microvascular Disease in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS). Diabetes Care, 42(9), 1809-1815.(responsible statistician)
- Chang, T. C., Goud, S., Torcivia-Rodriguez, J., Hu, Y., Pan, Q., Kahsay, R., ... & Mazumder, R. (2019). Investigation of somatic single nucleotide variations in human endogenous retrovirus elements and their potential association with cancer. PLoS One, 14(4), e0213770.
- Herman, W. H., Pan, Q., Edelstein, S. L., Mather, K. J., Perreault, L., Barrett-Connor, E., ... & Lorenzo, C. (2017). Impact of lifestyle and metformin interventions on the risk of progression to diabetes and regression to normal glucose regulation in overweight or obese people with impaired glucose regulation. Diabetes Care, 40(12), 1668-1677.(responsible statistician)
- Perreault, L., Pan, Q., Aroda, V. R., Barrett‐Connor, E., Dabelea, D., Dagogo‐Jack, S., ... & Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. (2017). Exploring residual risk for diabetes and microvascular disease in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS). Diabetic Medicine, 34(12), 1747-1755.(responsible statistician)
- Mather, K. J., Pan, Q., Knowler, W. C., Funahashi, T., Bray, G. A., Arakaki, R., ... & DPP Research Group. (2015). Treatment-induced changes in plasma adiponectin do not reduce urinary albumin excretion in the diabetes prevention program cohort. PLoS One, 10(8), e0136853. (responsible statistician)
- Papandonatos, G. D., Pan, Q., Pajewski, N. M., Delahanty, L. M., Peter, I., Erar, B., ... & Wagenknecht, L. E. (2015). Genetic predisposition to weight loss and regain with lifestyle intervention: analyses from the Diabetes Prevention Program and the Look AHEAD randomized controlled trials. Diabetes, 64(12), 4312-4321. (responsible statistician)
- Delahanty, L. M., Pan, Q., Jablonski, K. A., Aroda, V. R., Watson, K. E., Bray, G. A., ... & Franks, P. W. (2014). Effects of weight loss, weight cycling, and weight loss maintenance on diabetes incidence and change in cardiometabolic traits in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes Care, 37(10), 2738-2745. (responsible statistician)
- Marrero, D., Pan, Q., Barrett-Connor, E., de Groot, M., Zhang, P., Percy, C., ... & DPPOS Research Group. (2014). Impact of diagnosis of diabetes on health-related quality of life among high risk individuals: the Diabetes Prevention Program outcomes study. Quality of Life Research, 23(1), 75-88. (responsible statistician)
- Pan, Q., Delahanty, L. M., Jablonski, K. A., Knowler, W. C., Kahn, S. E., Florez, J. C., ... & Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. (2013). Variation at the melanocortin 4 receptor gene and response to weight‐loss interventions in the diabetes prevention program. Obesity, 21(9), E520-E526.
- Pollin, T.I., Isakova, T., Jablonski, K.A., De Bakker, P.I., Taylor, A., McAteer, J., Pan, Q., Horton, E.S., Delahanty, L.M., Altshuler, D. and Shuldiner, A.R. (2012). Genetic modulation of lipid profiles following lifestyle modification or metformin treatment: the Diabetes Prevention Program. PLoS Genetics, 8(8), p.e1002895.
- Florez, H., Pan, Q., Ackermann, R. T., Marrero, D. G., Barrett-Connor, E., Delahanty, L., ... & Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. (2012). Impact of lifestyle intervention and metformin on health-related quality of life: the diabetes prevention program randomized trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 27(12), 1594-1601. (responsible statistician)
- Perreault, L., Pan, Q., Mather, K. J., Watson, K. E., Hamman, R. F., Kahn, S. E., & Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. (2012). Effect of regression from prediabetes to normal glucose regulation on long-term reduction in diabetes risk: results from the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. The Lancet, 379(9833), 2243-2251. (responsible statistician)
- Delahanty, L. M., Pan, Q., Jablonski, K. A., Watson, K. E., McCaffery, J. M., Shuldiner, A., ... & Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. (2012). Genetic predictors of weight loss and weight regain after intensive lifestyle modification, metformin treatment, or standard care in the Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes Care, 35(2), 363-366. (responsible statistician)
- Damle, S., Teal, C. B., Lenert, J. J., Marshall, E. C., Pan, Q., & McSwain, A. P. (2011). Mastectomy and contralateral prophylactic mastectomy rates: an institutional review. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 18(5), 1356-1363.
- Hirth, R. A., Pan, Q., Schaubel, D. E., & Merion, R. M. (2010). Efficient utilization of the expanded criteria donor (ECD) deceased donor kidney pool: an analysis of the effect of labeling. American Journal of Transplantation, 10(2), 304-309.
- Hirth, R. A., Turenne, M. N., Wheeler, J. R., Pan, Q., Ma, Y., & Messana, J. M. (2009). Provider Monitoring and Pay‐for‐Performance When Multiple Providers Affect Outcomes: An Application to Renal Dialysis. Health Services Research, 44(5p1), 1585-1602.
- Turenne, M. N., Hirth, R. A., Pan, Q., Wolfe, R. A., Messana, J. M., & Wheeler, J. R. (2008). Using knowledge of multiple levels of variation in care to target performance incentives to providers. Medical Care, 46(2), 120-126.
- Hirth, R. A., Turenne, M. N., Wheeler, J. R., Pozniak, A. S., Tedeschi, P., Chuang, C. C., Pan, Q., Slish, K. and Messana, J. M., 2007. Case-mix adjustment for an expanded renal prospective payment system. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 18(9), pp.2565-2574.
- Wheeler, J. R., Messana, J. M., Turenne, M. N., Hirth, R. A., Pozniak, A. S., Pan, Q., ... & Wolfe, R. A. (2006). Understanding the basic case-mix adjustment for the composite rate. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 47(4), 666-671.
- Letter to the Editor in response to the manuscript entitled “Treatment Outcomes of Colistin- and Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Infections: An Exploratory Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial” published by Dickstein et al. in Clinical Infectious Diseases, August 16, 2019.
- Gastwirth, J.L., Modarres, R and Pan, Q. Comment entitled “Some statistical aspects of the Department’s use of Cohen’s D in measuring differential pricing in anti-dumping cases that should be considered before it is formally adopted” submitted to International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce in response to their request for comments on Differential Pricing Analysis 79 FR 26720 [Docket No. 140318257-4257-01], 2014.
- Gastwirth, J.L. and Pan, Q. Comments on “Qualifying the weight of evidence from a forensic fingerprint comparison: a new paradigm” by C. Neumann, I.W. Evett & J. Skerrett J. R. Statistic. Soc. A 2012, 175(2): 402-403.
- Pan, Q. Entry “Standard Error of Estimate” in Encyclopedia of Research Design edited byNeil Salkind, 2010, SAGE publications Inc: 1424-1427.
- Gastwirth, J.L. and Pan, Q. Careful statistical reasoning can provide support for Supreme Court decision. AmStat News 2010, 397: 23-24.
- Sinclair, M.D. and Pan, Q. Responseto Dr. Graubard. Law, Probability & Risk 2009, 8(2): 123-124.