-June 2024, Dr. Rau and David collaborate with colleagues on the VIISTA cruise

Dr. Rau and David had the opportunity to collaborate with the VIISTA (Virus Infection at the Interface of Sinking, Turbulence, and Aggregation) PIs and their NSF Growing Convergence Research Project. This was a one-month cruise aboard the Kilo Moana in the California Current to try to understand how viruses, microbiology, and turbulence microstructure affect carbon export in the ocean. This was a fantastic opportunity to study phytoplankton particles and aggregates in their natural environment! We sampled for biopolymers, stress markers, and performed laboratory and in-situ aggregation and disaggregation measurements! Very much looking forward to digging into this data with the broader team!

We left from San Francisco!
Setting up aggregation/disaggregation tanks in a cold van to track bloom dynamics.
Buster! We were able to deploy our home-built in-situ disaggregator, this time on the CTD along with other particle imaging and sizing instruments. We saw aggregates > 4mm in diameter in some locations.
David worked especially hard on this cruise