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Mammadnaghiyev Kheybar,

Hey, there. I am Kheybar Mammadnaghiyev. Yes, I know, it is a very long surname, but life still goes on. I would like to briefly introduce myself here.

I am a 21-years-old student. I was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, and grew up there. I have only lived outside of Baku when I was an exchange student in the UK for a half year and now in the US.

As of Computer Science, I have an interest in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and also Cyber Security. I am more willing to explore different topics in Computer Science in order to discover more.

As of the past projects, I have experience as a mobile application developer.

Besides Computer Science, I would love to say that I'm drawing or playing guitar, but I'm not :). I have tried them but did not work for me yet. I still love art though. I love listening to songs in the indie or alternative genre, and love to visit art galleries.

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