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Synchronous learning simply means that learners are engaged in learning at the same time. In today's world that could mean via traditional classroom methods or in an online environment. While a Synchronous online environment might be new to some, it has capabilities to continue learning when the traditional classroom setting is impossible or not desired.

Asynchronous learning happens on the learners schedule often with deadlines. Self guided modules, vidoes, recorded lectures are all forms of Asynchronous learning.

Join Educational Technology Leadership program faculty, Dr. Michael Corry and Dr. Ryan Watkins for  a free webinar
4/21, 11:55AM EDT entitled, "Learning to e-Learn: Preparing for online success: 10 tips for success"
Meeting Number: 479 606 051
Meeting Password: elearn

You are online, now how do you maintain instructional continuity and a class community online?

Check out more resources from GW's Instructional Core!

geralt / Pixabay

The university added an easy to use website for COVID-19 Resources. Although it contains many of the resources provided on this blog, thought it should be shared.

harishs / Pixabay

Universite Resources for COVID-19

Mocho / Pixabay

Here is a helpful list of troubleshooting tips you can do to try to get you up and running online.

  1. Check your Wifi Connection to make sure you are indeed
  2. Make sure you are in a place where you get the best
  3. If you are having trouble getting video in a video session, turn off the
  4. Restart your web
  5. Restart your
  6. Run Network Diagnostics in your computer's settings to see if there is a
  7. Try a different device if you have access to one.
  8. Check your router and
  9. Check with your service providers to see if there are any

If you need further troubleshooting contact IT or the ITL.

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

The mission of the GW Libraries and Academic Innovation Instructional Core for Advocacy, Research, and Excellence (ICare) in Teaching and Learning is to support the instructional and learning enterprise of George Washington University.

Resource for Instructors: Peer-to-Peer Online Faculty Support

The Instructional Core has compiled a team of expert GW online teaching faculty from around the university. These faculty are available for one-on-one consultation by appointment to assist faculty new to online learning. The Peer-to-Peer expert group can share best practices, discuss pedagogical approaches, novel ideas to ensure high quality active learning, and share experiences and tips especially geared to online learning. Instructors interested in pairing with a peer should email and request a contact. The Faculty Development Department will facilitate introductions with our Peer-to-Peer Team Members.

 Online Faculty Development Course

A self-guided training course on how to teach online has been revised and updated for use by everyone with instructor status in Blackboard (faculty and TAs). It is available on the MyBlackboard page under the heading “Special Use” as Online Faculty Development. The course has six modules, including online discussion, assignments, activities, media creation, and rubrics/grading ideas. Instructors are entered as students and are able to try several multiple choice tests, upload assignments, and see grades as students do.

Instructional Core Resources

Instructional Continuity Website: We recommend that faculty are made aware of this resource that has information and checklists for both students and faculty about how to transition with little effort to online learning utilizing simple tools available within Blackboard and supported by the Instructional Core. (

Instructional Core Email: Direct access to ICare dispatch can be gained by using Faculty questions will be answered within the business day and dispatched to any number of Instructional Core professionals who will provide swift support as needed.

Instructional Core Departments: The departments and the services of the Instructional Core can be found on the LAI face page: (

Blackboard Support: Blackboard is supported 24/7 through the Instructional Core team as well as through our vendor. Access to this support can be gained through calling 202-994-4948 in addition to using

Self Help Guides: We provide a variety of helpful self-help guides that faculty have found useful. These step-by-step guides cover a wide variety of functions that lead to ease in constructing online activities.

Recommended Reading Material

  1. Moving OnLine NOW: How to Keep Teaching During Coronavirus, (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

  2. Synchronous Online Classes: 10 Tips for Engaging Students (Magna Publications)

  3. Best Practices for Synchronous Online Discussions (Higher eLearning)

ICare Quick Reference Guide and Technology Matrix

  1. Quick Reference Guide and Technology Matrix

**Ongoing Technical and Pedagogical Support: As always the Instructional Core provides technological and pedagogical support to instructors working in BOTH face-to-face and online settings. Assistance can be gained by contacting**

Workshops and Trainings

Training Sessions will all take place via Collaborate Live 

Webinars: Registration is required for all webinars. You can register here

Monday, March 23 3:00 – 4:00pm

lakexyde / Pixabay

Creating Online Lectures and Live Virtual Classroom

Tuesday, March 24 3 – 4pm

Getting Started with Blackboard

Wednesday, March 25  6 – 7pm

Getting Started with Blackboard

 Thursday, April 2  6 – 7pm

Getting Started with Blackboard

Monday, March 23 11am – 12pm

Getting Started with Blackboard

Tuesday, March 24 12 – 1pm

Creating Online Lectures and Live Virtual Classroom

Wednesday, March 25 12 – 1pm

Creating Online Lectures and Live Virtual Classroom

 Monday, March 30 10 – 11am

Getting Started with Blackboard

Tuesday, March 31 12 – 1pm

Creating Online Lectures and Live Virtual Classroom

Thursday, April 2 11am – 12pm

Creating Online Lectures and Live Virtual Classroom

472301 / Pixabay

Remote Test Proctoring Tools

  1. Respondus LockDown Browser (Free)

What is Respondus LockDown Browser?

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom Web browser It works by locking down the testing environment within a Blackboard course. Instructors can choose to require the LockDown Browser for any existing deployed test in their course. When a student uses Respondus, LockDown Browser, they are unable to print, copy, go to another website, or access other applications on their computer. When an assessment is started, students are locked into the test until it is submitted for grading. Respondus Monitor is an addon video monitoring service that uses the Respondus Lockdown Browser. It serves as a deterrent to students using secondary computers, phones, calculators, textbooks, or receiving assistance from other students.  After a student has taken an exam, instructors can review sessions to check for any suspect behavior. Respondus Monitor is suitable for low or medium-stakes exams that require student monitoring. Students can use either an internal or external webcam with Respondus Monitor.

How Respondus Works

  1. First, exams are created on Blackboard and deployed using the Respondus LockDown setting (see tutorials below)

  2. Students can test on their own devices by pre-downloading Respondus LockDown widget using a unique link listed on Student Resources page (see below)

Respondus Instructor’s Guide

To get started:

Respondus Technical Support

  • All support requests from faculty and students should initially be directed to the instructor. If the instructor cannot resolve a problem, students should submit a ticket at

  • GW Instructional Technology Lab will assist with the Respondus Monitor in Blackboard

Policy Elements to Include for Students Using the Software

  • Students must download the LockDown Browser from the unique to GW link at

  • Respondus LockDown browser only works on PCs, Macs, and iPads (chrome books and others are not supported)

  • Students should ensure that portable computers are charged sufficiently and can last up to 3 hours on a battery charge during exam use.

Respondus Training

Training is absolutely critical for instructors to be successful in using LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. Training videos and resources are provided in the application itself, but we strongly encourage institutions to direct instructors to the training sessions provided by Respondus. During the month of March, these are being offered daily:

GDJ / Pixabay

Please be aware that as GW and other universities move to online instruction, most employers are also moving to telework, and most K12 students are at home using the internet for various activities. Given that we will be operating under unprecedented circumstances, it is essential to plan for the possibility of service degradation or interruption due to the load on the overall network.

If you plan only to use synchronous communication to conduct classes, please develop a plan B in case your internet service at home is unable to connect to Blackboard Collaborate or WebEx during your class session.

If you experience this sort of interruption, don’t panic. Contact the Instructional Core at We also ask that to control communications in light of a disruption, minimize communications and speak directly with the Instructional Core, we will in turn provide information based communications to the GW community.

Need more resources and assistance in getting your course online and maintaining Instructional Continuity???

Check out theses resources from GW's Instructional Core. GSEHD has resources to assist you!!! Contact Lisa Stehman the GSEHD Instructional Designer for assistance.

The ITL and Instructional Core have moved all remaining trainings online using Blackboard Collaborate! F2F trainings for faculty will no longer be held.

A listing of Support from GW

"Moving Online Now" Chronicle of Higher Ed

Resources for Blackboard Collaborate Virtual Sessions

Facilitators Guide

Blackboard Collaborate Checklist

Get Help from your Faculty Peers!!  The Instructional Core has compiled a team of expert GW online teaching faculty from around the university. These faculty are available for one-on-one consultation by appointment to assist faculty new to online learning. The Peer-to-Peer expert group can share best practices, discuss pedagogical approaches, novel ideas to ensure high quality active learning, and share experiences and tips especially geared to online learning. Instructors interested in pairing with a peer should email and request a contact. The Faculty Development Department will facilitate introductions with our Peer-to-Peer Team Members.

Resources for Creating Videos


Together we can do this!! Reach out if you need help, no matter how big or small you think it may be!!