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Resources for Instructors

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The mission of the GW Libraries and Academic Innovation Instructional Core for Advocacy, Research, and Excellence (ICare) in Teaching and Learning is to support the instructional and learning enterprise of George Washington University.

Resource for Instructors: Peer-to-Peer Online Faculty Support

The Instructional Core has compiled a team of expert GW online teaching faculty from around the university. These faculty are available for one-on-one consultation by appointment to assist faculty new to online learning. The Peer-to-Peer expert group can share best practices, discuss pedagogical approaches, novel ideas to ensure high quality active learning, and share experiences and tips especially geared to online learning. Instructors interested in pairing with a peer should email and request a contact. The Faculty Development Department will facilitate introductions with our Peer-to-Peer Team Members.

 Online Faculty Development Course

A self-guided training course on how to teach online has been revised and updated for use by everyone with instructor status in Blackboard (faculty and TAs). It is available on the MyBlackboard page under the heading “Special Use” as Online Faculty Development. The course has six modules, including online discussion, assignments, activities, media creation, and rubrics/grading ideas. Instructors are entered as students and are able to try several multiple choice tests, upload assignments, and see grades as students do.

Instructional Core Resources

Instructional Continuity Website: We recommend that faculty are made aware of this resource that has information and checklists for both students and faculty about how to transition with little effort to online learning utilizing simple tools available within Blackboard and supported by the Instructional Core. (

Instructional Core Email: Direct access to ICare dispatch can be gained by using Faculty questions will be answered within the business day and dispatched to any number of Instructional Core professionals who will provide swift support as needed.

Instructional Core Departments: The departments and the services of the Instructional Core can be found on the LAI face page: (

Blackboard Support: Blackboard is supported 24/7 through the Instructional Core team as well as through our vendor. Access to this support can be gained through calling 202-994-4948 in addition to using

Self Help Guides: We provide a variety of helpful self-help guides that faculty have found useful. These step-by-step guides cover a wide variety of functions that lead to ease in constructing online activities.

Recommended Reading Material

  1. Moving OnLine NOW: How to Keep Teaching During Coronavirus, (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

  2. Synchronous Online Classes: 10 Tips for Engaging Students (Magna Publications)

  3. Best Practices for Synchronous Online Discussions (Higher eLearning)

ICare Quick Reference Guide and Technology Matrix

  1. Quick Reference Guide and Technology Matrix

**Ongoing Technical and Pedagogical Support: As always the Instructional Core provides technological and pedagogical support to instructors working in BOTH face-to-face and online settings. Assistance can be gained by contacting**

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