Our new JASCO J-1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer has arrived just in time for Pi Day!

Our new JASCO J-1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer has arrived just in time for Pi Day!
Robert Vincent Scholars are sponsored by GW’s Columbian College of Arts & Sciences endowment, the Robert Vincent Fund. This competitive award enhances undergraduate academic development by supporting advanced scientific research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Congratulations to Carolina!
Madeleine Reines Jacobs Scholarships honor outstanding GW students in the field of chemistry by supporting summer research opportunities in one
of the Department’s research laboratories. Congratulations to Priscilla–we are excited to have you continue research in the Meisel Lab this summer!
The Benjamin D. Van Evera Memorial Prize is awarded to the most effective Graduate Teaching Assistants in the Department of Chemistry at GW. Congratulations to Dani!
The Meisel Lab welcomes three new graduate students in January 2021–a Happy New Year, indeed! Welcome to Ben Kass, Brysa Alvarado, and Chris Grubb!
In reflecting on the great progress we’ve made the last few months, the Meisel Lab would not be where it is if not for the hard work of our graduate students. Thank you, Dani and thank you to our five rotation students: Ben K., Chris, Lara, Ben E., and Brysa! Have a great Thanksgiving!
With the arrival of instruments, glassware, chemicals, and supplies, the Meisel Lab is now open for business!
Danielle Gomes Rodrigues joins the Meisel Lab as our inaugural graduate student. Welcome, Dani!
Welcome to the official website of the Meisel Lab at the George Washington University!