“Nothing is Impossible” 2021-22 Walter Roberts Annual Lecture recording

Retired U.S. Ambassador Ted Osius shares stories about the daring diplomacy that brought the U.S. and Vietnam closer together.

The recent Walter Roberts Annual Lecture featured retired U.S. Ambassador Ted Osius speaking on the diplomatic work that helped bring about reconciliation between the U.S. and Vietnam. Amb. Osius served in Vietnam from 2014-2017.

He shares stories from his recent book, “Nothing Is Impossible” and talks about leaders from both countries who put aside past traumas to work on creating a brighter future. Amb. Osius also draws upon his own experiences of working first-hand with various Vietnamese leaders and also traveling the country on bicycle to spotlight the ordinary Vietnamese people who helped bring about their nation’s extraordinary renaissance. 

Please enjoy the recording:

The Global Pandemic and its effect on the Press Freedoms in Southeast Asia

Virtual webinar with regional experts

IPDGC will host a virtual webinar on the Global Pandemic and Press Freedom in Southeast Asia on Tuesday, February 23 from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

As the regional governments struggle to contain the spread of COVID-19 and its variants, some of the more authoritarian regimes are imposing stricter restrictions to stop misinformation and have also taken this opportunity to rein in the media in their countries. Our panel will share their views and experiences of what has been happening in the region.

The panel will have Dr. James Gomez, Executive Director of Asia Center, Thailand; Gayathry Venkiteswaran, Assistant Professor with University of Nottingham, Malaysia; and Adrian Ayalin, Senior Journalist with ABS-CBN News in the Philippines.

Headshot of IPDGC director Janet Steele

The event will be moderated by Dr. Janet Steele, Director of IPDGC. There will be a short Q&A session following the presentations.

A Zoom link to the event will be sent following registration.