This fall 2020 marks the 2nd anniversary of the Public Diplomacy Examined podcast. This podcast takes a look at the world of public diplomacy, professional exchanges, international education, global careers, and foreign affairs.
This past summer, SMPA graduate student Victoria Makanjuola worked at the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication as the PDx assistant showrunner. Victoria took on the tasks of researching and writing, conducting interviews, and handling the technical production of the podcasts.
Along the way, she had many good conversations with professors of foreign relations, exchange specialists, cultural ambassadors, leaders of non-profits, and others in this diverse field.
Victoria’s PDx internship was supported by the Walter Roberts Endowment, which provided five students with small grants to pursue internships in public diplomacy work.
>Go to IPDGC Smart Power to read more about Victoria and her work on the PDx podcast. The first podcast will feature the new student organization, Young Black Professional in International Affairs, and its founder, Hannah Jackson.
WOW! Thanks for this article, so proud of Victoria for representing SMPA, and GW, YOU GO GIRL!