IPDGC to host Distinguished Humphrey Fellows in 2020

The Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (IPDGC) recently received a $124,000 grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and CulturalAffairs, to host a Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program on Media and Information, in September 2020.

Distinguished Humphrey Fellows are senior officials from foreign nations, who are leaders in their professional areas. This program is designed to bring these representatives together with professional counterparts in the United States for professional development and networking to facilitate cooperation on shared global challenges.

IPDGC will be organizing a one-week course that will focus on the topics of managing communications and strategies to counter disinformation for 15 representatives from Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The Distinguished Humphrey Fellows will also have a week of professional affiliation at U.S. think tanks, non-profits, government, media or corporate sector; to better understand how these organizations implement best practices in digital and media literacy and fact-based communication.

The Distinguished Humphrey Fellows will return home with a greater understanding of the threats to free, open, and fact-based media and communications and strengthened abilities to defend against them.

IPDGC will be working with the Institute for International Education which administers the Humphrey Fellowship programs.