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About Ibrahim

I am an Egyptian American freshman student studying civil engineering at the George Washington University. I chose to study civil engineering because of my interest in physics, mathematics, architecture, and culture, which are all disciplines that cross paths in the civil engineering field. I took vigorous courses in physics, mathematics and engineering drawing in high school preparing for college. Demands for proper urban planning and energy are increasing rapidly, and I am looking to help solve global civil and sustainability issues. Outside of academics, I enjoy playing basketball, drawing, playing music, and acting.


Civil Engineering Description:

  • Civil engineering involves the branches of engineering essentially related to the development, improvement, and maintaining of the foundational infrastructure systems of modern society.
  • "Civil and environmental engineering students usually enter careers related to construction of society's infrastructure, and to maintenance and cleanup of the natural environment"-GWU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • It is a broad field composed of many subdivisions including structural, transportation, geotechnical, construction, hydraulics, water resource engineering and many more.

Undergraduate Programs | Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | School of Engineering & Applied Science | The George Washington University (

About civil engineering | ASCE

My work in SEAS 1001

3D-Printing Assignments in Tinkercad:

Used Tinkercad software to design a 6-inch wrench, a 1.5 cm nut, and a 1.5 cm bolt, which were 3D printed at the GWU Tompkins Hall.

MATLAB Project Results:

Used MATLAB to create the graphs of a sin(t), cos(t), and cos2(t) curves. Also used MATLAB to solve a simple matrix problem and find the roots of a polynomial.

Tinkercad Automated Light Project:

Used Tinkercad to create an automated light, in which the red light turns on when the PIR Sensor picks up movement.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Response:

Ibrahim Abdelsalam Week 2A Homework Diversity Equity and Inclusion.docx

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business Canvas Model:

Ibrahim Abdelsalam Business Model Canvas.docx

First Semester Reflection:

I really enjoyed the SEAS 1001 class, and I believe that the Graduate Teacher Assistants did a great job introducing us to software and broad engineering concepts like entrepreneurship, diversity, and ethics. I especially liked the idea of a business model canvas. I like how the semester is divided into a broad engineering course first, and then a course specific to major. I believe it implies that although engineers in different sectors may deliver different products and solutions, they all have fundamental concepts that are in common.

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