Last Chance for $500 [Spring 2013 SURE Award]

It’s your last chance! The deadline for the SURE Award application is next Friday!
If you’ve got an excellent research proposal, we’ve got up to $500 to help you do it. Your research can be independent, or it can be part of a course or senior project as well!
The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply for the spring 2013 semester is February 1, 2013.

Keep reading for more info, or read about the award here.

TV's Best Comedy [SPA Event]

Excited for the fourth season of Community?! Your SPA is as well! Join Penina and Kayleigh on February 7th (aka October 19th) at 8pm sharp in their room, Ivory 313, to rejoice over the return of TV’s best comedy. There will be popcorn and felt goatees! (This is the darkest blog post.)

A Great Way To Catch Up With The UHP!

Just to be clear, he’s sitting on a park bench reading the UHP blog. Park Bench. UHP Blog.

Do you have an RSS reader on your computer or smart phone? Then you can subscribe to this blog and make it a part of your daily feed. Think how wonderful it will be to see a post from the UHP appear on your reader, telling you about all of the great things happening here in the Honors Program. It gives me warm fuzzies just thinking about it… so Subscribe today!

Research Art w/ Prof. von Barghahn-Calvetti [Paid Research Assistant Opp]

As a Faculty Fellow, Prof. Barbara von Barghahn-Calvetti has a budget of up to $1,000 to pay a student research assistant for this semester!  If you’re interested in doing exciting academic work (and getting paid to do it), please contact the professor directly here:
You’d be assisting with:
1) a possible exhibition on the artist Juan Bautista Martinez del Mazo, a disciple of the famous Spanish master Diego Velazquez;
2) ongoing research on the Hapsburg Archduchesses of Belgium and their acquisition of tapestries;
3) early Jesuit artists/missionaries in colonial Peru;
4) reconstruction of palace interiors (Adobe Photoshop)
Of course, you’d receive  credit/acknowledgment in any future product to which you contributed. No knowledge of art history is needed, just a love of exploration.

Sandy's Stories: Art Exhibition [UHP Recommended Event]

Curator Roxanne Goldberg has shared a special invitation to UHP students for the exhibition Sandy’s Stories: An Epilogue of Hurricane Sandy.
Says Goldberg,

“I thought this powerful and dynamic exhibition would be of interest to UHP students and faculty, given its exploration of the ways in which individuals not only engage in intimate introspective exercises as they struggled to grapple with a spectacular event, but how they also come together in remarkable displays of primal support, shared strife, and universal affection.”

 The opening reception will be tomorrow, January 23 from 6:00-8:00 pm at GW’s Gallery 102.  For more information click the picture below.
 Sandy Invite

Seniors: Are You Forgetting a Form? [Deadlines]

When you Google image search "Busy Seniors" this pops up.  Never too old for surprise hugs!
When you Google image search “Busy Seniors” this pops up. Never too old for surprise hugs!

It’s a busy time of year for seniors, so we know you might have forgotten.  If you’re pursuing Special Honors in your degree in lieu of an Honors Senior Thesis, make sure to fill out the Special Honors Verification Form by February 15th, 2013.  Don’t delay!
Continue reading “Seniors: Are You Forgetting a Form? [Deadlines]”

Taking a Contract Course? [Deadline]

If you’re taking a contract course, make sure to get your Honors Contract complete.
It may not be as exciting as signing the “Fun Contract” with the Cat in the Hat.  But it should be considerably less terrifying than having to interact with a furry Mike Myers in some kind of nightmare cat costume. So it’s a tradeoff, we guess.
How do you know if you need to complete an Honors Contract? Keep reading to find out.
Continue reading “Taking a Contract Course? [Deadline]”