GW Dance Marathon – UHP Fundraising Team!

GW Dance Marathon is a student org that fundraises year-long for Children’s National Hospital in D.C. We are looking for students who are interested in joining a UHP fundraising team! You will be invited to our various fundraisers and events throughout the semester as well as our culminating event, the marathon, on 12/10/22. The marathon is where we will celebrate the hard work everyone has accomplished, reveal the total amount we have fundraised, and hang out with the families and children we help support from the hospital. There will be food, games, music, dancing, student performers, and more. Community service hours will be awarded to students who participate!

If you are interested in joining the UHP fundraising team, you can come to one of our interest meetings on October 12th or October 26th from 6:30-7 PM in District B117. If you are unable to make it and are still interested in joining, email Brenna Montgomery (

Connecting & Resourcing Empowered Women (CREW), a leadership program for sophomore undergraduate women!

Hey first years and sophomores!  Are you interested in joining a leadership program?  Brianna Crayton (our previous UHP Program Advisor) sent along this great opportunity!

Bain & Company has introduced a program called: Connecting & Resourcing Empowered Women (CREW), our inaugural leadership program for sophomore undergraduate women.

Bain’s CREW Program is designed for sophomore/second year undergraduate women with exceptional leadership potential.

As a member of Bain’s CREW, you will:

  • Build your leadership toolkit though a series of workshops, panels, and breakouts
  • Expand your network by connecting with other undergraduate women and women leaders in business
  • Have an opportunity to interview for Bain’s Summer 2024 Associate Consultant Internship (ACI) position

The application deadline for this program is November 1st and the program will take place in early 2023.  You can find more information on their webpage here!  Also feel free to reach out to Brianna if you have more questions!

Civic Synergy

Civic Synergy, a student-led organization focused on political depolarization, is looking for participants ages 18-30 to join in discussions about some of the most critical issues facing America today. From early October to mid-November of 2022, participants will engage in six sessions focused on a topic of their selection (education, energy security, and strengthening our republic) that include brief, informative, and inspiring talks. Those talks are then followed by facilitated cross-partisan discussions aimed at generating solutions. Through the program, participants will not only discuss pragmatic policy proposals that they can present to members of think tanks, Congress, and other organizations but will build the toolkit to have productive conversations with those across the aisle.

The Fall 2022 program cohorts will meet at the following times:

Education: Tuesdays: Oct 4, 11, 18, 25; Nov 1, 8 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Energy security: Wednesdays: Oct 5, 12, 19, 26; Nov 2, 9 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Strengthening our republic: Thursdays: Oct 6, 13, 20, 27; Nov 3, 10 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Interested students can apply here!

If you are interested in becoming a campus ambassador for the program, please fill out this interest form!

Additional information about Civic Synergy can be found on their website and Instagram page. The deadline for applicants will be September 25th @ 11:59 PM ET.

Kalos Academy Opportunity!

Hey UHPers! Read below for the opportunity to become a  mentor with Kalos Academy with past UHPer, Bri Mirabile!

“Hi everyone! My name is Bri Mirabile and I have an opportunity for anyone interested in volunteering to mentor first generation, low-income college students. I’m a past UHPer and current President of Kalos Academy, a small but fast-growing non-profit started by a former GW professor. We’re growing so fast that we need mentors to help our students navigate college life and would love to have more Honors students on board! If anyone is interested in applying, you can do so at this link before the end of the day September 25th or email for more information.” 

Apply to train as a GW Writing Center consultant!

Are you the person to whom friends say, “Hey, could you help me with this paper?” Are you looking for an on-campus job next year? If so, consider applying to be an undergraduate writing consultant!

The positions are paid ($16.60/hour), and students usually work 6-8 hours per week. Writing consultants come from a diverse array of backgrounds and disciplines–so we’d love to see students apply! Writing Center work is meaningful, intellectually demanding, and helps you continue to grow as a writer. Sophomores and juniors are especially encouraged to apply.

Application materials are due October 17th.  Interviews will take place in late October / early November.  If you are accepted, you would then take the consultant training course UW 2111W, “Pedagogy and Practice for Writing Consultants” in the spring; the course counts as a WID.

Please contact Professor Hayes if you have any questions

Fall Semester Internship with Oceanites!

We want to share a student internship opportunity for the fall semester with Oceanites! Oceanites is a non-profit based in Washington, DC with the central mission of assisting science-based conservation recommendations in Antarctica and increasing the awareness of climate change worldwide. Ron Naveen, the founder of Oceanities, will be teaching a course at GW next semester, and he is looking for an intern for this semester to help with several projects.

Alpha Kappa Psi Opportunity!

Alpha Kappa Psi is the world’s largest, oldest and most prestigious co-ed professional business fraternity open to all majors. We focus on professional development, alumni networking, job and internship placement and brotherhood through mentorship programs, career treks, civic engagement, intramural sports, bonding events and much more. Alpha Kappa Psi will shape both your time at GW and your career. Get to know us at our Info Sessions on September 6th and 7th from 7:30-8:30 in SMPA B07!

Summer Course: Ethnographic Method for Researchers, Journalists, and Documentary Filmmakers

New Summer Course with Dr. Kerric Harvey!

Titled: Ethnographic Method for Researchers, Journalists, and Documentary Filmmakers

Designed for as a multi-audience crash course for budding social science researchers, documentary filmmakers, and investigative journalists, this six-week summer class provides a hands-on approach to ethnographic best practices as an invaluable way of understanding “other people’s worlds” well enough to explain and describe them accurately to a third party through a variety of storytelling vehicles. Also useful as a way to help prevent outsider bias and character stereotyping in dramatic films. Early in the session, students will choose a specific political, cultural, or societal subgroup to explore, using material drawn from classic ethnography, newly developed rapid assessment techniques, and participant observation. Pitched to graduate level education but accessible to undergrads who have an interest in this area, this course employs a robust combination of knowledge discovery methods, including case studies, small group exercises, field labs, and both virtual and in-person classroom discussions. No prior experience needed. Fulfills the “Required Elective” category for JMC and PCM undergrads as well the being an approved SMPA graduate program elective.

2022 Summer Session One: May 16, 2022 – June 25, 2022

2022 Strasser Prize Winners Announced!

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Strasser Writing Prize competition!  We have one first place winner, and two runners-up.

1st Place:

Alyssa Stark
Crimes against humanity in the name of scientific advancement: Handling cases of gross medical misconduct through mechanisms of transitional justice”.  Click here to read their essay! 

Runners Up:

Mason Hubbell
“The Ethics of Arendt’s Co-responsibility”. Click here to read their essay!

Vicky Wang
“Hendrick Goltzius’ Depiction and Acceptance of Flawed Masculinity in The Great Hercules”. Click here to read their essay!