What’s the coolest letter in the alphabet?
As always, tokens are awarded to the first “correct” answer (i.e. the one we’re looking for) and the most creative incorrect answer.
Cindy Y. once again taking it home with the first correct answer: “Greece is at the bottom,” and Jared Bulla once again wins the best incorrect answer with his anti-colonial “it sizzled over the top and got all over the dang world…they should have used a lid” (paraphrase). Congratulations to the both of you!
definitely not L (it’s 90 degrees)!
O because it’s 360 degrees!
Woop I meant to say -360 degrees because that’s still a circle my bad!!
U because u are the coolest!
O because its zero degrees
I, obviously, because “I” not only have a heart of ice, but I also won my high school mud wrestling competition, and if you say that’s not cool, then you are obviously underestimating the amount of mud and brute strength that went into this.
I was going to say “A” because “aaaaaa, that is so cold”, but I certainly can’t compete with a mud wrestling champion.
G because you’re a Gangsta.