Advice from the (Peer) Advisors: Tips from an Extrovert on Enjoying Time Spent Alone

Check out Peer Advisor Claire Shelby’s tips on how to make the most of your alone time, even if you’re an extrovert!

Well, we’ve made it through half of our online semester (or a quarter of our online year if we’re being real)! I’m truly proud of us all, because this is NOT easy. This whole online thing can feel really lonely at times. Your Zoom meeting ends, you send a quick “Thank you” in the chat, and boom, silence. There’s no goodbyes to your classmates, no awkward after class questions with your professors, and no walking to lunch at Sweetgreen with your friends. As an extrovert living alone in a studio apartment in DC, I’m going to share a few tips on how to learn to enjoy time spent by yourself. 

Indulge. Whether this means baking cookies at 12am because you need a sweet treat or going to sleep early on a weeknight because your brain needs a break, take advantage of alone time to do what’s best for you. You’re not held back by what other people want you to do, so the world is your oyster!

Put down your phone. I know it’s tempting to grab your phone to feel like you’re connected to friends even when you aren’t physically with them. I’ve found through experience that this usually does nothing more than remind me how alone I am. Turn off your notifications, put on some calm music, and make yourself dinner or read a book. We’re trained to feel like we have to respond to people immediately—especially when we’re already online all day—but it is more than okay to not respond the second someone tries to contact you. You deserve a break.

Get outdoors. I often forget how important fresh air is for my well-being. Even if you step into the world for no more than a minute, it will freshen you up and brighten your day. Studying in parks or other outdoor spaces is a great, peaceful thing to do to break up the monotony of studying in one place for 12 hours.

Write. Instead of turning to your friend to share that random thought that comes into your head, write it down! Having a record of what your train of consciousness is up to is very fun to look back on, and it can clear your mind of jumbled thoughts.

Have a dance party! This goes hand in hand with Indulge, but turn up some good music and let loose. It feels so good to move your muscles and listen to your favorite bops while singing at the top of your lungs (or mouthing the words with excitement if you’re in an apartment like I am). 

Do 1 thing a day to seize the day. This changed my perspective on how much fun you can have even without friends. This can be something as small as cooking a meal, or as large as waking up at 4am to watch the sunrise. You don’t need other people to justify a fun adventure! Remind yourself that the world is a pretty cool place even with all of the chaos and stress. You can document it with a cheesy 1 second a day app, or you can cherish the memories in your own mind (which may be even better!). 

All of these things can help you get to know yourself and who you are without other personalities affecting you! I may not know you, but I’d put money on the fact that you’re a pretty cool person. And remember, if the loneliness does get too overwhelming, your friends and/or family are only a FaceTime call away. 

Sending love and positive vibes to you all <3