Riddle of the Day 4/20


I live for but a single breath.
Any touch could spell my death.
A rainbow spins within my eye.
Make me right, and I can fly.


Yesterday’s riddle was:

It’s been around for millions of years, but it is never more than a month old. What is it?

The answer was: the moon! Bri Mirabile was the first to get this, congratulations Bri! And the most creative incorrect answer goes to Sydni Nadler with “a month-old T-Rex fossil.” Congratulations to you both!

3 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/20

  1. Cindy Y.


  2. Jared

    “Real Socialism”
    As in “Real socialism has never been tried!”
    (Heavy dose of sarcasm implied)

  3. Bri Mirabile

    a fly born without an exoskeleton

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