Riddle of the Day 4/15


Lose me once,
I’ll come back stronger.
Lose me twice,
I’ll leave forever.
What am I?


Yesterday’s riddle was:

When you need me, you throw me away.
When you don’t need me, you bring me back.
What am I?

The correct answer was ANCHOR, which was gotten by Cindy Y– congratulations Cindy! The most creative incorrect answer goes to Jared Bulla with “My Origins Assignments!” Congratulations to you both.

3 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/15

  1. Cindy Y.

    Teeth 🙂

  2. Sydni Nadler

    Luke and Anakin Skywalker’s respective hands

  3. Bri Mirabile

    Me in a boring lecture

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