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Getting ready to submit a manuscript?

OrcidReady to submit a manuscript? Have your ORCID iD ready?

In January 2016, seven major scholarly publishers announced that they will begin requiring authors to have an ORCID iD when submitting manuscripts during 2016 and more publishers followed soon after.   ORCID stands for the Open Researcher and Contributor ID registry and an ORCID iD is simply a persistent digital identifier for an author.  By registering for an ORCID iD , you can change your name, move to a new institution, or add an honorific and any articles linking to your ORCID iD will be consistently identified as yours.

Beginning in 2016, you will be required to obtain an ORCID iD before submitting manuscripts to many academic publishers.  If you need an ORCID iD, go to:

Any questions, please feel free to contact Meaghan Corbett, Metadata and Scholarly Publishing Librarian, at .

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