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I am Professor of Mathematics at the George Washington University where I teach a wide range of advanced and introductory courses. For example, I taught five Dean's Seminars for Freshmen.

Research areas: computable model theory and computable algebra, computability theory, and theoretical computer science.

My Citations in Google Scholar
Math Genealogy

Co-organizer (with P. Hieronymi, J. Park, F. Pop and A. Shlapentokh), Trimester Program: Definability, Decidability and Computability, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, September 1–December 12, 2025.

W. Calvert, V. Harizanov, E.G. Omodeo, A. Policriti, and A. Shlapentokh, In memory of Martin Davis, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, August 2024, pp. 898–907.

Eisenbud Professor, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, 2020-21.

Visiting Professor, Kurt Goedel Research Center for Mathematical Logic of the University of Vienna, 2014.

GW Awards: Trachtenberg Prize for Research, 2016; Cynthia Deitch Faculty Trailblazer Award, 2024; George Washington Award from the Division of Student Affairs, 2020.

Research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Simons Foundation, and Columbian College Dean's Chair. Current support NSF #2152095, FRG Definability and Computability over Arithmetically Significant Fields.

Involved in research Collaboration in Computability with Russia and Kazakhstan and later Bulgaria (with PI: Julia Knight), 2006-22.

Co-directed (with Ali Eskandarian) GW Center for Quantum Computing, Information, Logic and Topology, 2011-18.

Book chapter, co-authored with R. Dimitrov, Countable nonstandard models: following Skolem's approach, and book chapter Computability Theory, co-authored with my students K. Srinivasan and D. Verta, both in: Handbook of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Practice, Springer, 2024.

Book chapter, co-authored with my students T. Ha, L. Marshall and H. Walker, Computability and definability, in: Structure and Randomness in Computability and Set Theory, World Scientific, 2020.

Book, co-edited with A. Eskandarian and J. Chubb,  Logic and Algebraic Structure in Quantum Computing, Cambridge University Press, 2016. The book was motivated by the ASL 2010 North American Annual Meeting at GW for which I served as chair of the Organizing Committee.

Book chapter, co-authored with E. Fokina and A. Melnikov, Computable model theory, in: Turing's Legacy, Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Gave tutorials on computable structure theory at 11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium in Delphi, Greece, July 12-16, 2017, and at the Annual ASL Meeting in Boise, March 20-23, 2017.

Gave a plenary talk at MAA Meeting at Bowie State University, Nov. 7-8, 2014.

Co-organized (with M. Malliaris, B. Mazur, R. Miller, J. Pila, T. Scanlon, A. Shlapentokh, and C. Videla) program Decidability, Definability and Computability in Number Theory, Part 1 (virtual), MSRI, Berkeley, Aug. 17-Dec. 18, 2020. Part 2,  in-person, July 18-August 12, 2022.

Co-organized (with W. Calvert and A. Shlapentokh), Joint Math Meetings, Computable Mathematics, AMS Special Session dedicated to Martin D. Davis, San Francisco, January 3–6, 2024.

Co-organized (with K. Srinivasan, P. White and H. Klatt ) AMS Special Session on Computability, Complexity, and Algebraic Structure, Howard University, Washington DC, April 6-7, 2024.

Co-organized (with B. Mazur, J. Park, F. Pop, K. Rubin and A. Shlapentokh), virtual FRG Workshop in memory of Thanases Pheidas on Definability, Decidability and Computability over Arithmetically Significant Fields, June 21–22, 2023. Co-organized (with K. Eisentraeger, J. Park and A. Shlapentokh) the American Institute of Mathematics workshop Definability and Decidability Problems in Number Theory, San Jose, May 6-10, 2019.

Co-organized the ASL Special Session Aspects of Logic and Machine Learning at the annual ASL meeting, Cornell University, April 7-10, 2022. Was Chair of the Program Committee for the Winter ASL Meeting (with Joint Math Meetings) in Baltimore, January 18-19, 2019.

Organizer of the Washington Area Logic Seminar at GW, and the University Seminar: Logic Across Disciplines for 2017-20, and University Seminar: Computability, Complexity, and Algebraic Structure for 2023-25.

Serve as faculty adviser for AWM GW Student Chapter, which organized virtual Stem Career Panel on November 19, 2020; a lecture on "Mayan Mathematical System" by Dr. Hakim Walker on April 28, 2023; a lecture "What Mathematicians Do in the World of Survey Research" by Dr. Leah Marshall on April 19, 2024.