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Who Are We?

Meet the IBS students who run GW SOBS!

Council Members

The GW-SOBS 4th general election for Council Representatives was held April 2024, and internal elections for the Executive Board & Council Chairs were held May 2024.

Executive Board

  • President: Sydney Woods
  • Vice President: Claudia Melo
  • Secretary: Jonathan Lochner
  • Treasurer: Joselyn Padilla

Council Chairs

  • Historian/Election Chair: Natalie Boyle
  • Recruitment Chair: Elton VanNoy
  • Alumni Chair: Sarah Tiufekchiev-Grieco
  • Social Chair: Natalie Boyle
  • IBS Seminar Series: Erin Jones

Council Representatives

  • PhD Program Representatives
    • Cancer Biology:  Joselyn Padilla (’21)
    • Genomics & Bioinformatics: Sarah Tiufekchiev-Grieco (’22)
    • Microbiology & Immunology: Jonathan Lochner (’23)
    • Neuroscience: Erin Jones (’23)
    • Pharmacology & Physiology: Natalie Boyle (’21)
  • Campus Representatives
    • Children’s National Hospital: Elton VanNoy (’23)
    • George Washington University: Claudia Melo (’21)
  • Academic Year Representatives
    • Qualified: Sydney Woods (’21)
    • Second Year: Elton VanNoy (’23)
    • First Year: TBD Fall ’24 !!


Are you a GW-IBS graduate student who’s not necessarily interested in serving as a Council Representative, but want to contribute? Consider joining one of our committees or starting one of your own! We welcome all student voices. Contact

GW-SOBS Action & Advocacy Committee: Erin Grundy, Claudia Melo, Joselyn Padilla, Kailyn Price, Carissa Stover

Faculty Advisors

  • Dr. Alberto Bosque, GW
  • Dr. Nikki Posnack, CNH

GW-SOBS Election Cycle Explained

Because we know you’re probably a little confused…

Spring (April)

General Election (Open to ALL IBS students): GW IBS students will vote for all council positions excluding First Year Representative. This includes the PhD Program Representatives (Cancer Biology, Genomics & Bioinformatics, Microbiology & Immunology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology & Physiology) , Campus Representatives (Children’s National Hospital, George Washington University), as well as the Academic Year Representatives (Candidacy and Second Year but NOT First Year).

Internal Election (Open to SOBS Council Representatives ONLY): approximately one month following the general election, Council Representatives vote among themselves to elect the majority of the Executive Board & Council Chairs, excluding President. Executive Board & Council Chair members serve for 1 calendar year.

Fall (October)

General Election (Open to IBS First Years ONLY): The new class of first years will vote among themselves to elect their First Year Representative (term: 1 calendar year). This election is held in the fall so that first years have an equal voice in GW-SOBS, and so that the Executive Board can stay in touch with the first year schedule.