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GW-SOBS Student of the Month (March)- Erin Jones

Erin Jones (She/Her)

Program: Neuroscience

PI: Dr. John Bethea

Why did you choose to pursue a PhD?

[EJ] I chose to get a PhD because I was super interested in my courses toward the end of my undergraduate degree (in behavioral neuroscience). I feel like I was really drawn to neuro because it helped me understand the people in my life better and helped me understand myself better too. I also continually find myself awestruck at our biology and how we came to be in general (like the fact that evolution took this many turns and now we are sitting here as self-aware beings). I can’t really imagine a profession outside of science that can give me that feeling of awe.

Choosing to pursue a PhD granted me the opportunity to expand in my understanding in these subjects, while also getting professional training/credentialing (for free!). That, coupled with the fact that my scientific discoveries and training might one day manifest to improve people’s health/wellbeing were all salient motivating factors for me to pursue a PhD.

Tell us about your project!

[EJ] My project is going to be investigating a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis, and whether agonism of the TNFR2 receptor is therapeutic for cognitive disturbances + whether this is coupled to any neural correlates of learning/memory or changes in cellular morphology. We are also going to evaluate how the Unfolded protein response pathway may contribute to cognition during EAE/MS.

Erin with members of the Bethea Lab.

What are some skills (scientific or non-scientific) you have gained while in the program? 

[EJ] I’ve learned so much! To be honest, I didn’t have a ton of wet lab experience before entering into the program. I went to school during peak covid years, when all of my chem/bio labs were held in a virtual video game format. I had a bit of mouse handling experience, and the rest was all clinical psych work.

In terms of non-scientific breakthroughs, grad school has definitely taught me how to embrace chaos and accept that things WILL go wrong. But it’s never the end of the world and things generally aren’t that deep, you learn from your mistakes :).

What are your plans after receiving your PhD?

[EJ] I think I would really enjoy going into some form of science communication or teaching! But ultimately who knows, I’m open to other options as well.

A cheeky animal facility selfie!

What do you like to do outside of the lab? Do you have hobbies/activities you’d like to share?

[EJ] I like to watch trashy reality TV, read (only because I am walking distance from the library and it makes me feel intellectual), and spend time in nature. Currently trying to get back on my gym grind.

What are your favorite things to do in the DC/DMV area?

[EJ] I really enjoy going to all of the seasonal festivals and markets. I feel like DC always has something fun to do, and they have a lot of options that are Free $$$$. I will usually scout out the DC instagrams whenever I get an itch to do something exciting. My immediate family is also pretty close in Annapolis, so I enjoy going to visit them whenever I have time!

Any pets?

[EJ] My roommate and I have a pet fish named Aurora. She is a total baddie, great at swimming.

Thank you Erin, for sharing! She can be contacted via Linkedin: Here.

Post written by Grace Lui (Cancer Biology), Cruz Lab.

Published inSpotlight

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