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GW-SOBS Student of the Month (May)- Natalie Boyle

GW-SOBS Student of the Month


Natalie Boyle


Program: Neuroscience

PIs: Dr. Hui Lu and Dr. Matt Colonnese

Why did you choose to pursue a PhD?

[NB] I loved studying neuroscience in undergrad, and felt like even after my degree there was so much more to learn. A PhD gives me the opportunity to dive into neuroscience research and work toward making important contributions to the field.

Tell us about your project!

[NB] My project utilizes a mouse model of Rett Syndrome to study changes in neural circuitry and behavior following intervention by a unique motor learning paradigm. Rett Syndrome is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder occurring in females that results in severe cognitive, social, and motor deficits. I am currently using in-vivo miniscope imaging of the medial prefrontal cortex and behavioral testing to determine if our motor learning paradigm can alter the E/I imbalance occurring in the mPFC of RTT and subsequently improve cognitive deficits. My future work on this project will involve the investigation of neuromodulator activity in this region!

What are some skills (scientific or non-scientific) you have gained while in the program?

[NB] Presenting! One of the most useful skills I have learned so far is how to organize and present scientific concepts, especially to those outside of my field. This is something I hope to continue to do in my career after graduation.

Natalie at the GWU Cancer Center Scientific Retreat.

What do you like to do outside of the lab?

[NB] Outside of the lab, I love to cook, go to yoga classes, watch reality TV, and travel when I have the time! Some of my favorite places I have visited in the past couple months are Charleston, San Francisco, and Seattle.

What are your favorite things to do in the DC/DMV area?

[NB] My friends and I love to try new restaurants — Japanese food is our favorite! I also love to go on walks around the monuments when the weather is nice.

Any pets?

[NB] I have a rescue dog named Sherman, he just turned six! I also work through Rover to pet-sit dogs in the DMV area.

Natalie’s dog Sherman!

Thank you, Natalie, for sharing! You can find Natalie on LinkedIn at the link below.

Published inSpotlight

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