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Spring 2019 Conference on Applied Mathematics

The George Washington University Chapter of SIAM is exited to invite you to attend the Spring 2019 Conference on Applied Mathematics will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The conference will host speakers from both academic and non academic settings.

Registration for lunch: On the day of the conference, lunch will be provided to the attendees. There is no cost to attend. However, to help us get an estimate of total number of participants, please make sure that you register here in advance.

List of Speakers:
Ming Zhong (Johns Hopkins University)
Xin Dong (University of Maryland)
Nikhil Mande (Georgetown University)
Debdeep Bhattacharya (George Washington University)
Yuxiao Huang (Geroge Washinton University)
Asia Wyatt (University of Maryland)

Conference Room: Rome 351
Breakfast/Lunch Room: Phillips 730

Schedule and Abstracts: (Click Here)

Conference Room: Rome 351
Breakfast/Lunch Room: Phillips 730


Organizers from SIAM Student Chapter at GWU:
Jingjing Xu (President)
Debdeep Bhattacharya (Vice President)
Hyun Jung Choi (Vice President)
Xinyu Zhang (Vice President)

Faculty Advisors:
Yanxiang Zhao
Xiaofeng Ren

Address: Phillips Hall, 801 22nd Street NW, Washington , D.C. 20052
