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In January, a group of George Washington students went with Professor Nam Pham to Chile to work with a well-known live music entertainment company, DG Medios. The students’ goal was to assess their corporate activities and calculate the social and economic impacts of the activities on local stakeholders.

After their week onsite, the students presented several recommendations around green events, becoming an equal opportunity employer, and taking a stand against racism to help the company improve its image and the impact of its activities on its local community. The team’s recommendations were received positively by the company and as the team left Chile, the company was planning on implementing many of their suggestions to start improving and becoming a better citizen of its broader community. Sole Di Pede, a Promoter Rep for DG Medios, even said, “I’ll continue trying to make our company a green company, so that music does not have a negative impact, but only of enjoyment and pleasure.”

This week, we received an update from DG Medios about the implementation status of the GW student team’s recommendations – they confirmed that implementation is well underway. They worked with their sponsor, Entel, to set up a phone and electronics recycling program in return for free concert tickets and may start setting up recycling stations at their shows. In addition, they have contracted a consulting firm to help them focus on sustainability at their events to minimize the environmental impact of their concerts.

Learning experiences such as this provide students with the unique opportunity to act as consultants for live clients, and see their recommendations come to fruition. It is this type of engagement that ensures that GW students are recognized internationally and their problem-solving and consulting skills are respected. For DG Medios, engaging with GW has led to significant internal initiatives, and they still feel a strong connection to the students and appreciation of their hard work and recommendations.

Post by Jennifer Swartz, GMBA ’19

On October 20, 2018, our Chilean journey officially began. I remember excitedly walking into class, where we discussed Chile, the projects, and how the program would be organized. I could not wait to go to such a scenic location, work on a project for an emerging winery, and expand my marketing proficiency. Now as I sit here in January 2019 reflecting on the trip, I realize that it left me with much more – unexpected new skills and knowledge about myself that I will undoubtedly carry long after the program.

As we began the project, my team and I dove headfirst into research. Having previously worked in and heavily researched the wine industry, I stuck to my usual routine of books, reports, and journals. However, my teammates really expanded my approach to researching. They introduced me to new platforms, research techniques, and ways in which to conduct analysis. I am beyond grateful for this and am eager to apply these practices in my future work.

By way of utilizing different researching methods, I ended up learning a great deal more than I thought I would about the wine industry. For example, we conducted a comprehensive survey where we were able to identity types of labels that best resonate with Millennials, an area of growing importance. Moreover, I realized how much I actually retained from my winery internship. When I left my summer internship, I was overwhelmed by the industry as a whole and unsure about how much I was really taking away, given its many intricate dimensions. However, I was able to tap into my experience to help my team construct a more fleshed out marketing strategy that adequately addressed our client’s concerns, particularly for pricing and placement. I no longer felt overwhelmed, and instead became increasingly intrigued by the wine industry, which has since compelled me to reconsider the wine industry as a potential area to work in post-graduation.

Additionally, my experience has caused me to embrace presenting (insert shocked faced emoji here). For as long as I can remember, presenting has been an activity that fails to thrill me. In fact, it is one that I have avoided at all costs. Yet, that feeling subsided for this project. I loved working with my team as we rolled up our sleeves and got to know all we could about the wine industry. Our efforts made me feel both confident and fond of our findings, and I often could not resist piping up when answering questions, whether to our professor or our client. When it came time to present, I was not fearful, but in fact… exuberant. I was animated as I painted a picture of how our client should showcase their brand and left our presentation feeling fulfilled that I adequately conveyed our points.

It made me realize that by putting in the work in the researching phase and exploring an industry of interest, I actually want to share my findings and tell a story that will make a (hopefully) lasting impact… a self-discovery that I NEVER thought I would make.

Post by Jennifer Swartz, GMBA ’19

“God loves us.” I am not a religious person, but over the past year of traveling through the Global & Experiential Education Department at GW, my classmates and I have come use to use this phrase. Why, you ask, while undoubtedly scratching your head at its nonsensicalness? Well, we coined “God loves us” to celebrate our travels. Moreover, we began reciting it to signify how truly fortunate we were to be able to take the time to be in school and venture on such profound, interactive, and worldly experiences. Our positive attitudes cascaded into waves of good fortune and the ultimate joys of traveling – meeting new people, discovering hidden gems, and being exposed to cultures in ways we never envisioned possible.

However, upon arriving to Santiago, my good fortune seemed to come to screeching halt. Chile, while known for many wonderful things, is also notorious for petty crime. I had a pretty rude awakening and learned rather quickly that petty crime is no joke, as my backpack, complete with my passport, wallet, laptop, and various other belongings got stolen. Enter shock, anger, helplessness. All the things you hope to never encounter while traveling.

This unfortunate experience happened on day 1. Yet, here we are, day 5 of the trip, and all of those feelings have long evaporated. What’s more, I have nothing but positive things to say about Chile. The wines are fantastic, and every winery I went to rolled out the red carpet… especially our client who allowed us to taste a vintage 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon – muy delicioso! The landscapes are both diverse and stunning, complete with everything from endless sandy beaches to snowcapped mountains to intricate skyscrapers. And finally, the people made it a place to highly revere. As someone who surely has annoyingly slow and broken Spanish, the Chileans I encountered always took their time to help me understand their language, whether I was at the embassy getting my temporary passport or ordering a delectable pisco sour. Their incredibly warm and welcoming nature allowed me to discover amazing restaurants, stumble upon more scenic hikes, and ultimately experience Chile on another level. The Chileans’ unflagging hospitality transformed what could have been an irreparably horrible situation to a trip that I will forever fondly remember. 

So, while I am not thrilled about the fact that I need to get a new passport, credit cards, and laptop, amongst other items, I still believe that God does in fact loves us.

Post by Jennifer Swartz, GMBA '19

Wanderlust. It has dictated a lot of my decisions while journeying through my MBA at GW. So, when the opportunity presented itself to again experience the world through one of the Global & Experiential Education department’s programs, I had to look into it. However, this wonderful possibility quickly turned into panic – which program should I choose?

Per usual, the Global & Experiential Education department compiled an array of options, all of which boasted intriguing projects, inspiring teachers, and magnificent locations. The confusion quickly became real, as every other day, another program would reach the top of my list. I ultimately came to the conclusion that I needed to base my decision on three factors: the project, location, and support.

The projects for the study abroad programs I was considering were extremely appealing. Not only were they all in the marketing realm, my concentration and intended field of work post-graduation, but they also focused specifically on brand management and consumer journey mapping. These two marketing areas are riveting to me, and I knew that the projects would provide me with a challenging and invaluable hands-on learning experience to connect a brand to customers. However, while riveting, these areas are somewhat new territory for me. I thus decided that I wanted to stay in an industry that I was more familiar with if possible. Last year, I got a crash course in the wine industry through a Net Impact and Kendall-Jackson case competition that resulted in a summer internship at Kendall-Jackson Winery. Due to this, the Chile study abroad program gained its first point.

Next up in my analysis came location. I have been fortunate enough to have visited numerous countries prior to graduate school, as well as throughout my MBA experience. In spite of all of my globetrotting, I have not yet explored Chile. Santiago, in particular, is a city that I have long yearned to visit given its vibrant culture and many attractions. After doing some research and learning more about its stunning landscapes, welcoming people, and amazing wines, Chile again gained another point.

Lastly, I knew I needed to have support if traveling abroad. While everyone needs this, support became a more physiological need, as this past semester was a bit difficult for me. Throughout my time at GW, I have befriended three incredible classmates who have quickly turned into family. All three of them have been an unbelievable support during this time… AND they all happen to be going on the Chile study abroad program. A compelling project, beautiful location, and undying support traveling the world with three people I love? Chile wins.

Now that my decision is made, I can officially sit back and let the wanderlust wash over me as I prepare to embark on this exciting adventure to Chile.