Written by Edward Bouldin, Master’s of Accountancy, ’19
“Settling Up” is what Professor Deschow calls our last class before our final exam. It’s a culmination of all that we learned so far and what we may see on the final exam. After this class I’ll be moving on to another class in in the marketing sections called “Products and Services Marketing.” I am looking forward to what it is going to offer me.

As usual, I woke up and caught the train from Wiesbaden to Hattenheim. I had been looking forward to waking up late, as initially the class was going to take place an hour later, but last minute (two days before) the school changed the scheduled time back to the original. No big deal.
The summary of the class was as one might imagine – some parts lecture and other parts very participative and alive. I was able to focus my thoughts on the parts that I especially liked (which was most) but the parts about risk compliance I struggled with. However, the interactive case study that we participated in at the PWC building in Frankfurt some weeks before helped me get through that section. The case study made the lesson more real for me. I think Dr. Deschow knows that the students and I got a lot out of that experience.
Fast forward to last Wednesday when I took my final exam for the class. It was relatively stressful but in a good way because the questions were well thought out. After the test, is was time to go have some fun in order to get my mind back on track. Me and another student I’ve been studying with decided to take the 45-minute trip from Ostrich-Winkle to Frankfurt and have lunch before strolling through the outdoor flea market. Anyone who knows me knows I will do anything for a good outdoor flea market!

There are two categories that I use when describing all flea markets. First you have your bonified outdoor markets. These have good quality items (albeit used and old) that will last a lifetime. This category is the one I travel far and wide for. The second type of market is filled with individuals selling badly worn out items or stolen items. Luckily, the market in Frankfurt fell into the first category and I was happy.
Afterwards we took the Eisener Bridge (foot traffic only bridge) back to the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhoff. Before getting on the train I took the time to take a picture of my friend with her back turned to me in front of the Frankfurt Opera Haus.