Turning to a New Year with a New Outlook

While the start of 2021 may seem similar to this year, the turning of a calendar brings a sense of hope and optimism.  As we look ahead to the new year, a new outlook is a helpful start to approaching goals. Insights from Health Advocate can help us reflect on how we treat ourselves; reminding us that positive self-talk is a critical aspect of our success. Keep in mind:

  • Try to live up to your own (not others’) standards. Much of our desire to be perfect is rooted in our perceptions of what other people think of us.
  • Talk to yourself as you would a family member or friend. Positive self-talk can go a long way in helping you accept yourself, imperfections and all!
  • Refocus your thoughts. Rather than being caught up in perfection, emphasize the progress you are making and celebrate every success, even if it is not exactly how you envisioned it.
  • Work it out. Even brief physical activity helps release the “feel-good” brain chemicals that can boost a sense of well-being. Take a quick walk the next time you begin to feel overwhelmed.
  • Be realistic with your goals. Identify a goal that gives you a personal feeling of accomplishment. Gather more information about the goal, what it might take to get there, what resources you need, and the steps and timeline to achieve it. Determine if your goal is something you can reasonably achieve.
  • Comparing yourself to others in any way can undermine your self-esteem. Determining your self-worth based on other people can thwart your ambition, make you feel disconnected, and even send you plummeting into the blues. If you find yourself frequently feeling that you’re not “good enough,” it could be a sign that you need to quit the comparison habit and reprogram your thinking about your self-worth.