Virtual School Work

Prepping Kids for a New Take on Back-to-School

Fall of 2020 will kick off a different kind of school year, and it’s more important than ever to make some preparations to help your child have a meaningful academic experience. Take steps in the last weeks of summer—before school starts—to set your family up for a stress-free first day.

  • Start adjusting bedtime before school starts

With more hours of daylight, bedtimes slide. Wrestle them back into submission painlessly by starting now and moving lights-out 15 minutes earlier each night, until you’re back on your school year schedule.

  • Set your morning routine

Mornings are always going to be hectic. But the wild can be controlled if everyone knows the routine and kids are empowered to do their part. Come up with a morning list for each kid before school starts; then print it out, laminate it, and put it where they can see it. Lists are great at motivating kids, and they free you up too, since you won’t need to tell anyone to put on their outfits or grab their school supplies.

  • Create a school workspace

A quiet, distraction-free spot for your child to learn is a key to success. Look for a location away from TV and younger family members, add good light and make sure your kid has a comfy seat. Creating a spot for only school-related activities makes it feel more official, and will also help your child focus when in that spot.

  • Get familiar with school

Even online, first days of school can be scary. You can erase a bit of that fear by doing a school dry run, setting up your home for a pretend first day, and start incorporating online learning games, especially for young children who are new to school.