Get to Know Your Benefits – Breaking Down the Ins and Outs of FMLA

Experiencing a major life change such as expanding your family or receiving a serious health diagnosis can leave one wondering how to balance work as you tend to these important needs.  This is the purpose behind the Family and Medical Leave Acts, both the Federal and DC laws, to help employees balance their work responsibilities with family demands.

What is Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)?

Briefly put, the Family and Medical Leave Acts provide unpaid, but job-protected, leave to eligible employees so that they can care for their families or themselves in the event of certain family needs and medical conditions.

What Are the Reasons An Employee Can Use FMLA?

You can use FMLA for the following:

Why Should I Apply for FMLA?

FMLA gives employees much-needed space and time when it comes to caring for family members, managing serious health conditions or expanding their family. FMLA also provides job protection and benefits continuation rights.

 Can I Use Annual and Sick Time if My Leave is FMLA Qualifying?

FMLA is unpaid, job-protected leave, however, employees can elect to use available paid time off such as annual and sick time, paid parental leave or GW paid STD to remain in paid status during FMLA. Any paid time used during family and medical leave also counts as part of the allowable period of FMLA leave.

 How Do I Apply?

If you need to apply for FMLA, call Lincoln Financial at 1-800-213-5609 or apply online. If you need to apply for leave for your own health condition or maternity leave, please follow the instructions for Reporting a Medical Leave (PDF). For all other leave requests, please follow the instructions for Reporting a Leave (PDF).

If you have any questions about FMLA, please contact GW Benefits at (571) 553-8382 or