Lifestyle, Sport and Physical Activity Courses Available


The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences is once again offering its Lifestyle, Sport and Physical Activity (LSPA) courses to our community groups!

GWU Faculty and Staff, Graduate, VALOR, and Consortium Students will pay only $150* to participate in select LSPA courses for the entire semester!

This is a considerable discount, and our courses include everything from Pilates to Zumba to Basketball to Cross-training. Choose from 50+ eligible courses. A full list of available courses can be viewed on our registration site.

Registration is now open and will end at 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 27th. Start attending classes once your payment is processed and applicable forms have been submitted to the instructor.

Register and pay by credit or debit card here. To register and pay by cash or check, please email GWorld card not accepted.

E-mail for questions or more information about this exciting program!

*Plus applicable course fees.