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Colleen Roche

Colleen Roche, MD
Program Director
In addition to being faculty at GW since 2001, Dr. Roche developed and serves as the course director for Practice of Medicine IV, the capstone course required of all medical school graduates in the school. She is a graduate of the ACEP Teaching Fellowship and the GW Master Teacher Leadership Development Program. Dr. Roche has a long tenure as judge in the EM CORD national CPC competition.
Fun Facts: Dr. Roche has two dogs, is a Cubs fan, and is won over with snacks during a shift

Sonal Batra

Sonal Batra, MD MST
Associate Program Director
A graduate of our program, Dr. Batra works with the Ronald Reagan Institute of Emergency Medicine to develop web-based curriculum for post-graduate training programs across India. In conjunction with the George Washington Health Workforce Institute and the School of Medicine and Health Science's Office of Diversity she works on a pipeline program aimed to increase the number of underrepresented minority students from the Washington, DC area who enter health professions. Dr. Batra’s is a board member of the Beyond Flexner Alliance, an organization committed to expanding the role of social mission in health professions education.
Fun Fact: Between undergrad and med school, Dr. Batra spent two years teaching middle school science with Teach for America.

Amy Caggiula

Amy Caggiula, MD
Assistant Program Director
A graduate of GW medical school, Dr. Caggiula began her academic career in New York City and was previously faculty at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Dr. Caggiula is involved in undergraduate medical education, teaching classes at the preclinical and clinical levels. She teaches LGBTQ and transgender health in the medical school along with many other subjects. Her academic interests focus on effective healthcare delivery to marginalized populations, specifically LGBTQ+ patients in the acute care setting.
Fun Fact: Dr. Caggiula was featured on the hit TV show NY Med while she was in residency and has a makeup insta (check it out)